Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/113

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All land in fee, that with broad-spreading flood
Nile waters. Lo, from him the fifth descent,
A brood of fifty, shall return again,
Not of free will, to Argos, seed of daughters,
Fleeing close-blooded union, lest they wed
Their cousins: these, their hearts being passion-winnow'd,
Kites on the track of doves nor far behind,
Shall come in chase of wedlock, which to chase
Is sin: but God's misliking eye shall reave
Those lusty bodies, and Pelasgic earth
Shall cover them,—bodies of men brought down 860
In war of women's hands, by desperate mood
That in the night keeps watch: for every woman
Shall spoil the life of her particular lord,
In his soft throat drenching a two-edged brand.
Such bridal commerce,—may 't befall my foes!
One only maiden some soft pain shall hold
From slaying him beside her: her resolve

Shall turn back blunted: of two evil names