Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/127

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A stiff neck unto one not well bethought
Adds of itself no strength, nay, less than none.
Behold, if thou refuse to hear my words,
What storm shall break on thee,—a three-fold billow
Of doom, without escape. First, this rough gorge
The Father's thunderbolt and fiery flaw
Shall rend asunder, and thy living body
Earth shall entomb: a rock shall be the arm
To bear thee up. Then, when thou hast outworn 1020
Great length of days, thou shalt be brought again
Into the light by doom reversed; and straight
The wingèd dog of Zeus, the tawny eagle,
Shall make thy flesh but a great rag to tear,
To ravin piecemeal, constant to his hour,
A guest unbidden, steadfast all day long,
Gorging thy liver, banquet black and rich.
Nor hope of that thy torment any end,
Till of the gods there rise up one to take

On him thy punishment, willing to go