Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/60

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Despite, and quells the host
Of Heaven to his will,
Nor shall forbear, until
He glut his mood, or till he feel a hand
That even his fenced seat shall not withstand.


Yea, of me shall he yet have need,—of one
On whom strong chains at his will are done,—
The President of the gods most high,
To show him his late intent, whereby 170
He is spoil'd of his honour, is spoil'd of his throne:
And neither with honey of tongue prevailing,
Shall he find him a spell to charm me, nor, quailing
For his rigorous threats, shall I ever vent
The thing that he would, till the punishment
Of my bonds be undone, and he give consent
For the wrong he hath wrought to atone.