Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/64

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He dealt their several honours, parcelling 230
The shares of empire; but of wretched man
He made no count; nay, purposed to efface
His breed, and so create another new.
Then none stood up men's advocate but I.
I dared it; yea, I saved them, that they should not,
Blasted, go out into the place of dreams.
Wherefore I am broken with these agonies,
Bitter to feel and pitiful to see.
I, that with so great pity tender'd man,
Pity myself found none; but mercilessly
Am straiten'd this way, that way, limb by limb,— 240
A spectacle not glorious to Zeus.


O he were iron-hearted, made of rock,
Who should not bear his part of grief, Prometheus,
In thy distress! for me, would I had never
Beheld it! for, beholding, my heart aches.


Truly my posture well might move my friends.