Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/67

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Thou hast err'd: I am not fain to argue how, 260
To thee 'twere daggers hearing. Of all that
No more: seek now some issue from thy trial.


'Tis a light thing for whoso hath his foot
Clear of the meshes to be large in counsel
To one unfortunate. I am wise as you.
I err'd: I seek not to deny it. But
Even so to err I will'd. I will'd it. Succour
To men, to me travail: the terms were so.
Though sooth I had not thought that he would engine
Such torments on me, shrivelling me to shards
Here on the dizzy crags, or find a hill
So desolate and foot-forsook as this. 270
Now therefore wail not for my present ills,
But come to earth, and hearken the strange matter
That draweth on. How all shall end be perfect.

Consent to me, consent, I pray you: suffer