Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/69

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I also am grievèd: blood-fellowship so
Constrains me, I think; and, kinship forgot, 290
None is I had liefer serve, well wot,
Or in larger measure.
Thou shalt know this is verity: not my way
Is it worship to lavish of lips, for say,
How best should I stead thee? truer lover
Than Okeanos hope not at all to discover,
More prompt to attend thy pleasure.


Ah now! what thing is this? art thou too come
To spy my pains? how foundest heart, forsaking
Thy namesake flood, thy caves of archèd rock, 300
Unhewn of hand, to visit earth, the world
Whose womb is great with iron? Is it to view
My passion? to bear part in my distresses?
Behold a sight indeed!—the friend of Zeus,
Auxiliar in the framing of his power,
Broken with so great agonies at his hand!