Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/72

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I dare to vouch, I dare, I say, to vouch
That Zeus will not deny Okeanos
Such grace as this, to loose thee from thy pains.


Of this I ne'er will scant acknowledgement, 340
That in good-will thou art perfect. Hast thou indeed
A care to labour in my behalf? Forego it:
It were lost labour, nor would help at all.
Rather sit still and keep thy safe remove.
For think not that because I suffer, therefore
I would behold all others suffer too.
Far be it! nay it pricks me home, I tell thee,
The doom that he for one, my brother, hath found,
Atlas, who toward the regions of the West
Stands for a pillar between earth and heaven, 349
His shoulders' might full-summ'd,—no load to dandle!
Also it moved my pity, when I saw

That creature, spawn'd of Earth, that housed erewhile