Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/82

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Of those crook-footed tribes of the air, all this
I bodied forth exactly, which be birds
Of nature favourable, which malign, 490
How each is wont to fare, and mutually
What hates they have, what leagues and fellowship.
Further of slain beasts' inward parts I taught
The perfect feature, and what hue presenting
They gain propitious gods, and how the gall
Must show a lobe diverse for fair aspect.
The shanks, uproll'd in fat, by fire I question'd,
With the long chine, and led the mind of man
To thrid the labyrinthine mysteries
Of a dim art; the oracular face of fire
Look'd with clear eyes, that heretofore were scaled.
Such my lore was: but what the earth contained 500
Of secret things, helpful to man, brass, iron,
Silver and gold,—can any stand and say
He did prevent me, finding them? Nay, none,

I am sure, unless he loose his tongue in folly.