Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/96

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Wedlock the highest? He, the Lord of Heaven,
Is waxen hot, pierced with desire of thee,
Yea and with thee would tread the passages 650
Of love's delight. Now therefore foot not from thee,
O child, the bed of the Highest; but do this,
Go forth to where the meadow is deep, the field
Of Lerna,—stations of the household flock,
Home of thy father's herds,—go even thither,
That so the eye of Zeus may ease desire."
With such-like dreams the kindly dark for me
Was ever fraught, me miserable; till, ridden,
I gat me heart to open to my father
The visions and the dreams of night. And he
To Pytho, yea and even to Dodona,
Sent embassage on embassage, inquiring
What thing he had need to do, or what word speak,
To pleasure them that rule us. And they came, 660
Bringing still back burden of wavering lips,
Sentences blind, dark syllables. At last

A word clear-visaged came to Inachos,