Page:Prometheus Bound (Webster 1866).djvu/36

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Strophe II.

And the maidens who possess
The Colchian land, in battle terrorless,
And the Scythian host 435 (425)
Who near to the Mæotic lake inhabit earths last coast.

Antistrophe II.

And Araby's brave youth who dwell
Near Caucasus in the high citadel
Poised on the rocks,
A threatening army with barbed spears clashing loud-ringing shocks. 440 (431)

Strophe III.

Only one other till yet
Among the gods have we seen bear pain,
The Titan compelled in an adamant chain,
Atlas, who groaning lifts high
The ponderous weight on his shoulders set, 445 (437)
The revolving dome of the sky.

Antistrophe III.

And the ocean billows roar
In a sullen chime, and the deeps resound
With groans, and mutters from underground