Page:Prometheus Bound (Webster 1866).djvu/49

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For ever nightly visions haunted me
In my maiden chambers, seeking to beguile
With speeches smooth. "Oh! highly favoured maid,
Why so long live a virgin, when there waits 661 (666)
So high a marriage for thee? For a dart
Of love-desire for thee has fevered Zeus,
And he longs with thee to bear the yoke of Cypris.
And thou, oh damsel, do not spurn the bed 665 (669)
Of Zeus, but go to the lush meadow-land
Of Lerna, to thy fathers herds and byres,
That so the eye of Zeus be freed from longing."
And by such visions was I companied
And troubled night by night; until at last 670 (673)
I plucked up heart to give my father word
Of the dusk-brought phantoms. Then did he send out
To Pytho and towards Dodona trains
Of frequent messengers, to learn for him
What should be done or said to please the gods. 675 (678)
But they came back with riddling oracles
Vague in their import and perplexed in phrase.
At length plain answer came to Inachus,
Clearly commanding and instructing him
To drive me from my home and fatherland, 680 (683)