Page:Prometheus Bound (Webster 1866).djvu/52

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What miseries this girl has yet to bear 720 (722)
From Hera. But thou, child of Inachus,
Lay these my words to heart that thou may'st know
Throughly what goal is set thy journeyings.
First, turning thee towards the rising sun
From hence, cross over untilled plains till so 725 (727)
Thou reach the wandering Scythians, those who dwell
In wicker tents aloft on cars with wheels
And are accoutred with far-shooting arrows.
Approach not these, but, on the surf-lashed shore
Keeping thy foot, pass outward from that land. 730 (732)
On the left hand the iron-workers dwell,
The Chalybes, of whom be thou well ware,
For they are savage, not to be approached
By strangers. And then wilt thou come beside
The rushing river, not inaptly named, 735 (736)
Which do not cross, for 'tis no easy task,
Until thou come to Caucasus itself,
Highest of mountains, where from the very brow
The river breaks in strength. And then must thou,
Making thy way o'er these star-neighbouring peaks,
Pass on a southward track until thou reach 741 (741)
The war-host of male-hating Amazons,