Page:Prometheus Bound (Webster 1866).djvu/61

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By stroking thee with his unharming hand,
And only touching. And thou shalt bring forth
The dusky Epaphus, so named to mark 876 (869)
How Zeus created him, who shall enjoy
The whole land watered by broad-flooding Nile.
And, five in line from him, a female race,
Fifty in number, shall unwillingly 880 (873)
Return again to Argos, taking flight
From intermarriage with their cousins. These,
Their hearts with love aflutter, falcons close
On the track of doves, shall follow in pursuit
Of a marriage it ill fits them to pursue. 885 (877)
But the damsels shall be grudged them by a god,
And the land of Argos shall receive them slain
By woman hate wake in the midnight hour.
For every bride doth reave her bridegroom's life,
Deep dyeing in his throat a two-edged sword. 890 (882)
In such a shape may Cypris greet my foes!
But one among the damsels love will lull
That she slay not her consort, her resolve
Being blunted, and she of the two will choose
Coward in her ears rather than murderess. 895 (887)
And at Argos she shall bear a race of kings—