Page:Prometheus Bound (Webster 1866).djvu/63

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Strophe I.

Wise oh wise was he 915 (906)
Who first weighed this in his heart and in a proverb said,
That who marries like with like is the happier sped;
And, that not 'mong those who by riches boast their worth,
Nor 'mong those who glory because of noble birth,
Should the common craftsman set his mind to wed.

Antistrophe I.

Never may ye see, 921 (913)
Ye high Fates, one out of us becoming Zeus's bride,
Nor to any of the gods in marriage bonds allied.
For beholding Io's love-chary maidenhood
Visited with anguish, for many a weary rood 925 (918)
By Hera doomed to wander, our hearts faint terrified.

Strophe II.

To us seems wedlock paired aright
Nought baneful, not of that our fear,
But, oh never may love light
On any here 930 (921)