Page:Prometheus Unbound - Shelley.djvu/91

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Dem. All spirits are enslaved which serve things evil:
Thou knowest if Jupiter be such or no.

Asia. Whom called'st thou God?

Dem.I spoke but as ye speak,
For Jove is the supreme of living things.

Asia. Who is the master of the slave?

Dem.If the abysm
Could vomit forth its secrets. But a voice
Is wanting, the deep truth is imageless;
For what would it avail to bid thee gaze
On the revolving world? What to bid speak
Fate, Time, Occasion, Chance and Change? To these
All things are subject but eternal Love.

Asia. So much I asked before, and my heart gave
The response thou hast given; and of such truths
Each to itself must be the oracle.
One more demand; and do thou answer me
As my own soul would answer, did it know
That which I ask. Prometheus shall arise
Henceforth the sun of this rejoicing world:
When shall the destined hour arrive?
