Page:Propertius - tr. Butler - Loeb 1912.djvu/27

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The most important separate treatises on the MSS. are Solbisky, De Codd. Propertii (Weimar, 1882); Housman, Journal of Philology, vols. xxi., xxii., Nos. 41–43; Postgate, Some MSS. of Propertius {Trans, Cambridge Philol. Soc. iv. 1); while O. L. Richmond, Towards a Recension of Propertius (Journal of Philology, vol. xxxi.), is also worth consulting. For a general discussion of questions connected with Propertius see Plessis, Études sur Properce (Paris, 1886), and more especially Schanz, Geschichte der Römischen Litteratur, Part 2, § 285 sqq. Teuffel's History of Latin Literature (English trans.) contains much of the same information, but is an older book and less thorough.


N = Codex Neapolitanus.
A = Codex Vossianus.
F Codex Laurentianus.
L = Codex Holkhamicus.
μ = Codex Parisinus or Memmianus.
υ = Codex Urbinas.
ϛ = Codices deteriores.
