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Last of all, a bloody desperate battle in Northumberland, on the river Tyne. Also great havock and slaughter about the broad walls of Berwick. All these things are yet to come to pass; and when the first appears, the rest will soon follow after.

When Hemp is come and also gone,
Scotland and England shall be one.

of Spain.
Q. M.’s Husb.


Praised be God alone,
For Hemp is come and gone,
And left us old Albion,
By peace join’d in one.

The explication of the foregoing prophecy concerning Hemp being come and also gone, leaving Scotland and England joined in one, is fulfilled in the late king William, who came out of Holland, which, in old times, was vulgarly called the land of Hemp, and the joining of the two nations together, signifies the union.

These things were foretold by the two Scots Prophets in the reign of King Arthur. Afterwards, to the same purpose, these, and many other strange things were foretold by Thomas Learmant, vulgarly called Thomas the Rhymer,