Page:Prose Specimens for Translation into German (1862).djvu/236

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We proceeded to[1] the neighbouring park. Favoured by the full moon the duel commenced, and I shot the baron dead.—“But,” began one[2] of the assembly, “where did you get the fire-arms from all at once[3]?”

“No interruption now, if I may beg of you[4]!” said the Major rather angrily[5]. Let me speak out[6]! In the end[7] everything will be cleared up[8].—I therefore shot, as I have already said[9], the baron Zitzerling dead. That circumstance compelled me so much the more[10] not only speedily[11] to leave Weimar, but Saxony, in as much as the Zitzerlings are, as is well known,[12] a very ancient family.

“An ancient family?” some one[13] asked.

“Yes indeed[14]!—But if I am to finish[15], I decline[16] all interruptions once for all[17], as the conclusion will surely completely[18] fill up every gap[19] in the story.”

Surprised[20] at this expression evidently bordering on incivility,[21] the company looked at each other; yet the major did not seem to notice anything of it[22], and henceforth addressed himself[23] solely to[24] the baron de Hinz with his narrative.

“I hastened back to Jena, packed up[25] in the greatest hurry, and travelled with post horses to the Aus-

  1. wir ſuchten . . . . auf.
  2. aus.
  3. wo kamen Ihnen denn ſogleich die Schießgewehre her. (The mode of address is here by the third person of the plural; see Gr. page 62, foot-note).
  4. wenn ich bitten darf.
  5. nicht ohne Unwillen.
  6. Laſſen Sie mich ausreden (finish speaking).
  7. am Ende (but „im Anfange“).
  8. wird ſich Alles von ſelbſt finden.
  9. wie ſchon erzählt.
  10. denn um ſo mehr.
  11. ſchleunigſt.
  12. bekanntlich.
  13. einer.
  14. ja wohl.
  15. doch wenn ich ausreden ſoll.
  16. ſo verbitte ich mir.
  17. ein für allemal.
  18. völlig.
  19. Lücke.
  20. befremdet.
  21. über dieſe an die offenbare Unhöflichkeit ſtreifende Neußerung.
  22. davon.
  23. to address oneself, ſich wenden.
  24. an.
  25. to pack up, zuſammenpacken.