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There is the following entry in the East Stratton Register of Burials in Micheldever Churchyard, Hampshire:—

Henry, Earl of Galway
Died Sept. 3rd,
Was buried Sept. 6, 1720.

John Imber,
Curate of Stratton.

I have quoted many laudations of Lord Galway. The encomiasts are Pasteur Du Dose (p. 147), Benoist (p. 14S), Dumont de Bostaquet (p. 149), General Ghinkel (p. 150), Professor Weiss (p. 151), Sir John Dalrymple (p. 154), Ryan (p. 154), Archdeacon Coxe (pp. 154, 184, 205), Maximilien Misson (p. 162), King William III. (pp. 173, 174, 177), John Evelyn (p. 178), John Macky (p. 182), Duke of Marlborough (pp. 183, 187, 189, 200, 210), Bishop Burnet (p. 189), Rev. Robert Fleming (p. 190), Sir Charles Hedges (p. 191), Earl of Sunderland (pp. 194, 200), Sir Thomas De Veil (pp. 198, 203), Earl of Godolphin (p. 200), Rev. Mr Withers, of Exeter (p. 211), Rachel Lady Russell, (pp. 214, 218), Bishop Hough (p. 218). Dean Swift differs in his estimate (pp. 175, 204).

The following refugee names occur in the memoir — viz., Sir John Chardin and Monsieur Le Coq (p. 149), Lieut.-Colonel de Montault (p. 152), Monsieur de Mirmand (p. 153), Monsieur de Sailly (p. 154), Monsieur de Virasel (p. 154), Pasteur Durant (p. 156), Colonel Aubussargnes (p. 156), Colonel Daniel Le Grand Du Petit Bosc (p. 166), Rev. James Fontaine (pp. 167, 217), Monsieur Du Pin (p. 169), the 3d Duke of Schomberg (pp. 172, 173, 182, 183), Larue (p. 175), Lieut.-Colonel Rieutort (p. 184), Marquis de Montandre (p. 194), Rev. Monsieur De la Mothe (p. 214), Rev. Daniel Caesar Pegorier (p. 219).

The Appendix to Volume First contains —

(1st.) Extracts from Captain-General, the Duke of Schomberg’s Despatches (pp. 221 to 230). The following names are mentioned: — Monsieur Goulon, Colonel Cambon, Brigadier De la Melonniere (p. 221), Monsieur Goulon (p. 225), Captain St Saveur (p. 227), Colonel Cambon (p. 229).

(2nd.) Daille’s Dedicatory Epistle to the old Marquis De Ruvigny (p. 232).

(3rd.) Lady Russell’s Letter to Dr Fitzwilliam, containing her first allusion to young Ruvigny (afterwards Earl of Galway), p. 231.

(4th.) Dedications of Books to Lord Galway.
Dedicator’s Epistle prefixed to the Life of Pasteur Du Bosc, 1693, p. 232.
Dedicatory Epistle, prefixed to Bouhereau’s French Translation of Origen’s Reply to Celsus, 1700, p. 233.
Dedicatory Epistle prefixed to Sermons by the late Rev. Henri De Rocheblave, 1710, p. 233-4.

(5th.) The Earl of Galway’s Two Papers for the House of Lords, January 1711.
The Earl of Galway ’s Narrative, read by the Clerk at the Table of the House of Lords, 9th January 1711, p. 234.
The Earl of Galway’s Reply, or Observations upon the Earl of Peterborow’s Answers to the five questions proposed to his lordship by the Lords, p. 237.

(6th.) The Earl of Galway’s Last and Testament, and Trust-Deed, p. 241.

The following names occur in the Will:—

Page 242. Rachel Lady Russell, Forcade, Vial, Guillot, Briot, Duke of Devonshire, Duke of Rutland, John Charlton of Totteridge, Richard Vaughan of Dorwith.

Page 243. Bruneval, Marmaude, Chavernay, Vignolles, Pyniot de la Largère, Cong, De Cosne, Cramahe, Amproux, Darasus, Nicholas, Jordan, Denis. Mènard. Sir John Norris.