Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew (1st ed. vol 3).djvu/186

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reference to his Will, he seems to have been a man of rank and wealth, and to have lived to a good old age, as his marriage took place in 1681; but that the Hospital received £10,000 is more than doubtful. He bequeathed to the “corporation of the Hospital of the French Protestants £300, in order to pay them what is coming to them by the marriage-contract passed with my wife at Paris, the 24th Sept. 1681, by Soyer, a royal notary.” He left to his cousin, James Dupin, an annuity of £56, and the residue of his estate after the payment of legacies; to his cousin, Dina Dufour, £1000, and an annuity of £49; to his cousin, Margaret Guichery, wife of Mr Henry, the silversmith, £1ooo, and an annuity of £49; to Mr James Triquet, £16 per annum; to the widow Charlotta Bleteau, his servant, £10 per annum, which annuity shall, after her death, be paid “to the little Thomas Dufour, son of Captain Thomas Eaton;” to the widow Claud La Cana, £500; to Captain Thomas Eaton, £500; to Mr Stephen Guyon, £500; to Mr Peter Le Maistre, £500; to Mr Caesar Le Maistre, £500; to Captain Amand Lallone Duperron, £500; to his cousin, Abraham Guichery, living at Loudun, in France, £500; to his cousin, Martha Dupin, £500; to his cousin, Mary Anne Dupin, of Loudun, £500; to Paul Aubrey, the younger, of Loudun, £100; to Renauchon Aubrey, £100; to his cousin, the widow Des Illes Morteault, of London, £500; to the two daughters of the late Mr Malherbe, who died at the French Hospital in London, living at Spitalfields, £200; to Captain James Philip Moreau, £100; to the two daughters of the late Mr Francis Mariette, of Spitalfields, £100 each; to the two children of his late cousin, Paul Dupin, Sieur de la Mothe, of Loudun, named Paul and James Dupin, £50 per annum; to Madame Desclouseaux, widow, £ioo; to Captain Alexander Desclouseaux, £100; to Dr George Cantier, £100; to Dr Bernard, £100; to Mr Cauderc, minister, £50; to Mr Laval, minister, £50; to Mr Peter Mariette, £50; to the widow Beaurepere, £50; to Mrs Le Maistre, widow of Mr Nicholas Rousselet, of Amsterdam, £200; to Mary Roussel, now at Amsterdam, £100; to Martha Dufour, of Loudun, wife of Mr Dovalle, £500; to his maid-servants, £150, to be equally divided; to the widow Charlotta Bleteau, “one room furnished, and a silver cup with two handles, which my wife formerly used.” To his nephew, Lewis Gervaise, £100; to Elizabeth Gervaise, £100; to Mrs Amiot, widow of Isaac Gervaise, £100; to Michael, Anne, and Peter La Caux, children of Madam La Caux, £50 each; to Louisa Mariette, £50; to Mr Francis Mariette, £50. — Dated 21st Sept. 1739. Proved at London, 4th Dec. 1739, by the executors. Captain Thomas Eaton, Captain Amand Lallone Duperron, and Mr Casar Le Maistre.

The Le Maistre family were very decided Huguenots. Haag informs us that Pierre Le Maistre, who probably came from Orleans, married at Canterbury in 1691, Marie, daughter of Mr Ambrose Minet, French Pasteur of Dover; also, that Francoise Le Maistre was married at London, 1695, to David Pouget, and that a lady in France, of the same name (perhaps the same person), having fled, a description of her was sent to all the civil authorities, and she was arrested at Valenciennes in May 1685, and was shut up in the Bastile till 1688, when she was banished.

Among the Directors of the French Hospital was Guy de Vicouse, Baron de la Court, Governor from 1722 to 1728. He was a subscriber to the first edition of Rapin’s History; and Rapin’s biographer states that his French title was Baron Viçose de la Cour, and that he was a descendant of Raymond de Viçose, Councillor and Secretary of State to Henri IV., who fought so bravely at the Battle of Ivry, that the king gave him his famous white plume, now represented in the family armorial bearings. This name often re-appeared in the persons of spiritual heroes who were rewarded for their attachment to the Protestant faith by imprisonment and exile, Another Guy Vicouse, probably tlie ]?aron’s son, became a Director of the French Hospital, 5th July 1732.

Under Du Four, it may be noted that a Mr Matthew Le Maitre died at Carlow, 7th Dec. 1782, aged 90. In 1758, July 8, Mrs Mary La Chapelle was buried in Carlow churchyard.

Among names connected with the French Hospital, Dargent is included. Dargent was a family long eminent in Sancerre. Some of its principal members remained in France and