Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 1.djvu/50

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historical introduction.

In the following list of naturalizations we begin with denizens in London, given in the census (or searche for straungers) of 1571. That “search” reveals denizations granted at the very era of the Protestant Reformation. (This shows the antiquity of naturalizations, which appears also in the title of an Act of the last Parliament of the bloody Queen Mary — “An Act for expelling all the French out of this kingdom that are not denizens.”[1]) Next follow the names found in the Calendar of State Papers for the reign of James I., and also (but within brackets) names in the Camden Society lists for that reign. Then we give the naturalizations in the reign of Charles I., taken from the Calendar and from Patent Rolls; and finally, those (before 1681) in the reign of Charles II., copied either from the Patent Rolls in the Public Record Office, or from a list in the Rolls of Parliament in the House of Lords:—

I. — Reign of Elizabeth.

Denizens in London, 1571.

Symon Shevalier,[2] born in Rouen, coppersmith, resident since 1538. (F.C.)[3]

Peter Dowsie, born in Masier, cutler, resident since 1559. (F.C.)

Peter Dellamare, born in Normandy, clockmaker, resident since 1523. (F.C.)

Nicholas Formoyse, born in Lusiers, cutler, came into this realme for religion about x years paste.

Gyllam Barger, born in Tankerfielde [Tankerville], coppersmith, resident since 1533. (F.C.)

Thomas Sherowne, born in Maunter, cutler, resident since 1559. (F.C.)

John Dellamare, sojourner with the above, resident since about 1531. (F.C.)

Michaell Shero, born near Paris, scalemaker, resident since 1556. (F.C.)

Nicholas Kinge, born in Rouen, tailor, resident since about 1531. (F.C.)

Rowland Grushey, born in Normandy, sheath-maker, resident since 1535. (F.C.)

John Marie, born in Pountoys, cutler, resident since 1559.

Herbert Dublier, born in France, a founder of letters for printers, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

William Forrest, born in France, a mouldmaker for buttons [“a mowldmaker for bottons,”] resident since about 1536. (F.C.)

Jervis Sawier, born in France, cutler, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

James Macadie, born in France, was prentice with a joiner, resident since 1511.

Thomas de Shampoyse, born at Bettyns in Burgundy, cutler, resident since 1560. (F.C.)

Gyllam Lamadye, born in France, gardener, resident since 1551.

Gyllam Danway, born in Normandy, “a maker of locketts and chapes,” resident since 1541. (F.C.)

John Pennowe, born in France, bookbinder, resident since 1541. (F.C.)

James Dullaforrest, born in France, “imbroderer,” came into this realme for religion.

John Tyller, born in France, resident since about 1531.

Nicholas Lyon, born in France, thicker of caps, resident since about 1511. (F.C.)

Lewes Caracas, Frenchman, bookbinder, resident since 1535.

Higat Baitram, born in France, button-maker, resident since 1536. (F.C.)

Marian Delawne, Frenchman, blacksmith, resident since 1562. (F.C.)

Thomas Parchment, skinner, came into this realme about xlvi yeares past to learne languages. (F.C.)

Rowlin Bellmare, born in Normandy, came into this realme abowte xxx yeares past for relygion. (F.C.)

Frauncis Lebroyle, born in “Jermanye,” member of the French Church, came into this realme Anno 1566 for relygion.

Michaell Barrat, born in Flanders, cutler, came over for religion about viii yeares paste.

Adrian Redlegge, minister, and Cycelye his wife, born in Holland, came into this realme about xx yeares paste for the word of God. (“Hospitall.”)

Morrys Mable, Frenchman, came into this realme about the third yeare of Kinge Edward the syxt.

John Makennis, Frenchman, pickmaker, resident since 1546. (F.C.)

John Costen [Cousin], minister of the French Church, and Burgoniena, his wife, both French borne. He came into this realme about ix yeares past for religion.

John Dehorse, Frenchman, hatmaker, resident since 1550. (F.C.)

Richard Tanvile, coppersmith, and Collet, his wife, French born. They came into this realme about v yeares past for religion.

Richard Leveret, brushmaker, resident since 1566. (F.C.)

Phillippe Cuttier, Frenchman, bookbinder, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

Peter Forrest, French-born, goldbeater, resident since 1552. (F.C.)

Glode Benvoys, Frenchman, crossbow-maker, came into this realme about iiij yeares past for religion.

  1. “The British Chronologist,” vol. i. page 151.
  2. The Christian names only of the wives having been recorded, I omit them.
  3. (F.C.) means “member of the French Church.” I append the initials to the names of old residenters who stood by their church.