Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/121

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section ninth.

3rd March 1728 (n.s.), in the French Church in the Savoy, Charles Estienne Le Metayer, widower, to Marie Anne Jeanne Bocquet.

22d May 1729, in the French Church in the Savoy, Jacques Cavallier to Susanne Dessandeau.

21st August 1729, in the French Church in the Savoy, Jacques Buscarlet to Marie Jourdan.

21st December 1729, in the French Church, Castle Street, Leicester Square, London, by [Rev.] Francois Guichard, [Rev.] Samuel Codere to Francoise Marie, daughter of Colonel Savary.

1st January 1730 (n.s.), in the French Church of St. Martin Orgars, Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, City of London, Henri Neau to Jeanne Theronde.

15th April 1730, in the French Church in the Savoy, [Rev.] David Renaud Bouillier, ministre de La Savoie, to Mile. Louise De Combebrune.

23d April 1731, in the French Church of Les Grecs, Robert De Berranger to Susanne Vulsemé. (Registered at the Savoy.)

18th May 1731, in the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, Peter Tabart, of St. Giles in the Fields, to Mary Anne Jonquiere, of Christ Church, Spittlefields.

22d June 1731, in the Artillerie French Church, London, Pierre André, native of Chatillon, in Dauphine (son of Jaques A. and Esther), to Marie Anne Marguerite, daughter of Isaac Catel, of Rouen, and Marie.

21st February 1732 (n.s.), in the French Church, Castle Street, Leicester Square, London, Mr. Henry De Saunières to Magdelaine Portal.

21st March 1732, in the French Church of St. Martin Orgars, Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, City of London, David Palairet to Susanne Daubuz.

4th May 1732, in the French Chapel Royal, St. James’s Palace, Westminster, Pierre La Primaudaye to Marie L’hermitage.

10th July 1732, in St. Mary Aldermary’s Parish Church, London, Mr. Francis Pictett [Pictet?], of St. Mary Aldermary, to Mrs Anne Chedhotel [Chefd’hotel?], of the same parish.

19th April 1733, in the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, Abraham Delamare, of St. Peter-at-the-Chains, in the Tower of London, to Judith Maillard.

15th June 1734, in the City of London French Church, Threadneedle Street, Jean De la Haise, native of Rouen (son of Samuel D. and Jeanne Pigne), to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Jaques Godmay, and the late Margueritte Grandin.

24th August 1734, in the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, James Razoux, of Christ Church, Spittlefields, to Mary Magdalen Dubec, of Gun Street, in the Old Artillery Ground.

6th February 1735 (n.s.), in the French Church of St. Martin Orgars, Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, City of London, Jean Lagier La Motte to Louise Dalbiac.

4th February 1737 (n.s.), in the Artillerie French Church, Mr. Isaac De la Mare to Marie Vautier.

10th April 1737, in the Parish Church of St Michael, Cornhill, London, Stephen Amiot, of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, to Judith Gaudon, of Christ Church.

21st April 1737, in the French Church of St. Martin Orgars, Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, City of London, William Gomm to Madame Marianne Le Moivre,[1] widow.

13th November 1737, in the City of London French Church (Threadneedle Street), Antoine Bordeaux (son of the late A. B. and of Jeanne Coupé) to Marie, daughter of the late Jean Dollond and Susanne Cavallier.

11th June 1738, in the French Church of St. Martin Orgars, Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, City of London, [Rev.] Daniel De Beaufort to Esther Gougeon.

15th June 1738, in the Parish Church of St. Antholin, London, Claude Fonnereau, of St. Antholin’s, widower, to Ann Boehme.

21st March 1739 (n.s.), in the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, Michael Gabriel Tournie to Margaret de la Haize, both of Spittlefields.

8th May 1740, in the French Church, West Street, London, [Rev.] Paul Convenent to Judith Anne de la Meer.

9th August 1743, in the French Church in the Savoy, Daniel Peter Layard to Suzanne Hanriette Boisragon.

13th December 1743, in the French Church in the Savoy, Mr. Mathieu Maty, Docteur en Medecine, to Elizabeth Boisragon.

11th June 1747, in the Parish Church of St. Dionis, Backchurch, London, John Gibson, of Camberwell, to Mary Anne Desormeaux, of Norton Falgate, Middlesex.

6th December 1748, in the French Chapel of St. James’s Palace, [Rev.] Jaques Du Plessis, chaplain of the French Hospital, to Marie Anne Milxan.

31st July 1749, at Adisham Parish Church, Kent, by Rev. Mr. De l’Angle, Rev. Emanuel Potter, vicar of Tynemouth, to Miss Catherine Regis.

8th January 1750 (n.s.), at Adisham Parish Church, James Chatham, attorney-at-law, Symmons Inn, London, to Miss Anne Regis.

  1. The lady was Marianne Jaquin, widow of Daniel De Moivre, son of Daniel De Moivre, senior, and nephew of Abraham De Moivre, F.R.S. [The bridegroom was a widower, father (by his first wife) of the ancestor of Field-Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm, G.C.B., born 1784, died 1875.]