Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/211

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hervart and gouverney.
  1. One small silver set half gilt, containing three small dishes, four plates, one goblet, one salt sellar, one knife, one spoon, and one fork of the same, weighing 58 ounces 2 dwt.
  2. Two silver knobs for a grate, and five handles for tongues, fire shool, &C, and four hooks to support the fire shouel, &c, all of silver.
  3. One German silver pott for broach and cover gilt.
  4. One small German barrell ornamented with silver.
  5. One silver clock.

A Memorandum of my Paintings, Pictures, and China.

  1. The picture of my father, by Mignard.
  2. The picture of my mother, by Mignard.
  3. A child sitting on a cusheon with a dog and a parrat, by Mignard.
  4. A child in swadling cloaths sleeping on a cusheon, by Mignard.
  5. A child’s head, by Mignard.
  6. The picture of the first wife of the old Marquis of Hallifax, by Lilly.
  7. The picture of the second wife of the old Marquis of Hallifax, by Lilly.
  8. The picture of my daughter sitting in a chair, as big as the life, by Kneller. [Portrait of Lady Eland.]
  9. Another picture of my daughter on half length. Kneller.
  10. The picture of Sir William Coventry. Kneller.
  11. The picture of my Lord Hallifax, half length.
  12. The picture of my Lord Leicester. Lilly.
  13. The picture of my Lady Sunderland, sister of my Lord Leicester, in the habit of a shepherdess. Lilly.
  14. The picture of the Princess Conty.
  15. The picture of my brother, the Master of Requests [D’Hervart].
  16. The picture of Madame de Senozan, my grand daughter.
  17. The picture of Madame the Countess de Viriville, my daughter.
  18. A Charity, a large picture.
  19. The Nativity of Saint John, a large piece.
  20. A flock of sheep, by Rassan.
  21. A picture, by Polbrille.
  22. A day-break.
  23. An head, by Pelerin, in bust.
  24. Three Landskips, by Gaspe.
  25. Another landskip.
  26. Saint Peter’s head, as big as the life.
  27. Another head of an old man.
  28. Two seasons of the year, viz.: the summer and winter, by Fouquière.
  29. A piece of several pidgeons.
  30. Two men standing upright, as big as the life, by Van Dyke, in two pictures.
  31. A maid with a child on a cushion, by Mignard.
  32. Ten flower pieces, by Baptist.
  33. A garland and festoon of flowers, in two pieces, by Botson.
  34. Twelve pictures of divers animals.
  35. Ten pictures, gold ground, which were designed for my mother’s bed.
  36. Twelve pictures of small figures, which were designed for my mother’s bed.
  37. Fourteen pictures of divers fine birds upon vellum covered with glass.
  38. Twenty-two small pictures of the Bible, workt in Tent stitch.
  39. Six long and narrow pictures of gardens, painted on white mohair.
  40. A Saint Jerome and his lyon in a large desart.
  41. The picture of my Lord Eland, by Knellar.
  42. A large Dutch landskip with figures.
  43. The picture of my son, the Abbé.
  44. The triumph of love, by Petrarque.
  45. A small picture, representing the Fountain in the little Garden of the Hotell d’Hervant [d’Hervart?][1]

A Memorandum of my China.

  1. Two greenish bottles with white flowers.
  2. One marble veind urn.
  3. Two great beakes with serpents.
  4. One large beaker with coloured flowers.
  5. Six green goblets.
  6. Two marble veind, ditto.
  7. One large pott and cover, and two small ones.
  8. Two cornetts and covers.
  9. Two cornetts without covers.
  1. I thank M. Depping of the Bibliothèque Ste Geneviève for his revision of the above list, and for his highly probable suggestion that No. 45 is, in reality, a Portrait of De la Fontaine, the great fabulist, seated in the garden of the hotel of his intimate friend, Monsieur d’Hervart, Master of Requests. (This mansion is now the Post-Office of Paris.) The originals of Wills “translated from the French” were returned to the families of the testators, so that it is now impossible to verify the translations.