Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/520

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french protestant exiles.

family of Roumieu, was a large proprietor in the French colonies, and had in his earlier days suffered losses at the hands of English ships-of-war and privateers, who had seized on vessels conveying his cargoes to France. He was also a devoted subject of France. The consequence was that, though as a Huguenot he found in England a refuge for life, an eternal antipathy overpowered all his gratitude. He would not lend money to an Englishman or invest his capital in the English funds. Fortunately the capital which he had secured, though only a part of his rightful fortune, was very large. He went on to the last day of his life spending his capital, the residue of which, along with his antipathies, he bequeathed to Marie Hubert, his only child. At her death only a few hundred pounds remained; it is said that she was nearly a hundred years old.

Jaquin, De Moivre, and Gomm.

Abraham De Moivre, F.R.S., died in London 27th Nov. 1754, unmarried. Daniel De Moivre = Anne.
Daniel De Moivre, jun., baptised 16th January 1707, died before 1737. = Marianne Jaquin, married as a widow 21st April 1737. = William Gomm, Lord of the Manor of Nethercote Houre, Lewknor, Bedfordshire, born 1698, died 1780, buried at Nethercote.
Anne De Moivre, died 1814. Mary Gomm = Thomas Philpot.
Marianne Philpot married 1787, died 20th Dec, 1824. = Sir John Edward Harington, eighth baronet of Ridlington, died 9th June 1831, aged seventy-one.
Sir James Harington, ninth baronet, born 1788, born 1835. Rev. Richard Harington, D.D., Principal of Brasenose, Coll., Oxford, born 1800, died 1853.
Sir John Edward Harington, tenth baronet, born, 1821, died 1877. Sir Richard Harington, eleventh and present baronet.

*⁎* Perhaps Nicolas Joseph Jacquin, Dutch baron and botanist (born 1727, died 1817), was of French descent.


Jean Jaumard was a refugee from Talmont, in Lower Poitou. I am not informed on the question whether he was a pasteur of the French Reformed Church, but he was ordained to the ministry of the Church of England, and was known as the Rev. John Jaumard, Vicar of Arundel from 1686 to 1694. He married Susanne Jousseaume, of Niort, and his third child was Samuel Jaumard. Samuel, junior, married Sophie, daughter of Elie Detandebaratz, a refugee from La Rochelle, and was the father of a third Samuel, styled “Esq. of Marylebone.” Samuel Jaumard, Esq., was born on 2nd July 1733; he married, first, Mary, daughter of Rev. John Peter Bernard, second, Margaret, widow of Alexander Lafon (who died in 1799), and daughter of Francis Chassereau and Anne Johannot. Mr Jaumard died in 1827, and left five sons and three daughters by his first wife.


Evert Jolivet was naturalised at Westminster on 4th April 1688 (see List xi.). The only fact preserved concerning him is that he published, in 1708, some sacred poetry composed by his late father, whom he calls “Everte Jollyvet, avocat au parlement d’Orleans.” Prefixed to the “Poesies Chretiennes” is a brief life of the father, who was also the author of publications on the Annals of Sweden, both in prose and verse. He was born at Orleans in 1600, and became an ancien of the Reformed Church, eminent for his knowledge of the Scriptures and of theology, a deputy to the Provincial Synod, and Secretary to that ecclesiastical court. He died at Orleans on 20th July 1662, aged sixty-two. The filial editor says nothing about himself.