Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/529

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refugees in ireland.

William Dubédat, Bank of Ireland, died Nov. 12, 1S59, aged 74;
the remains of whose ancestors are interred in this ground
Mary, his widow, d. March 23, 1876, aged 92. Francis, their son, d. Nov. 2r, 1857, aged 36.
Henry, their son, d. Oct. 27, 1875, John, their son, d. July 21, 188 , aged 63.
Louisa Mary, wife of Peter, their eldest son, d. Dec. 18, 1880, aged 70.
Charles Dubédat, son of Henry, d. May 15, 1876.
William Charles Dubédat, son of W. G. D., died Dec. 30, 1876, aged 27.

Helen Elizabeth, dau. of James and Helen Mazière,
b. Nov. 25, 1829, d. July 14, 1830.
William Johnston, d. April 22, 1848. Harriet, his wife, née Mazière, d. March 7, 1S60 — five of their children, Harriet, Marcia, Marcus-Mazière, Sarah, and Lucy.

Hic Jacent.
Henry B. D’Olier, obiit 17 May 1831, anno aetatis 21
Isaac H. D’Olier, 7 April 1835, 2
Ns. Ogle D’Olier, 29 June 1835, 27
Helen Jane D’Olier, 24 September 1836, 22
Henry D. Wolseley, 4 April 1838, 3
Harriet Ma. - Wolseley, 23 December 1838, 2
Richard Hy. D’Olier, 9 April 1839, 42
Ma. Jemima Purcell, 19 March 1841, 5
Richard Henry D’Olier, 4 March 1858, 26
Henry Brook D’Olier, 30 November 1864, 28
Isaac D’Olier, LL.D., obiit 22 Nov. 1841, anno aetatis 70

[father or grandfather of all the above].

Cadwallader Wolseley, Archdeacon of Glandalough,

obiit 4 November 1872, anno aet. 66.
Charlotte D’Olier, widow of the above-mentioned Richard D’Olier,
obiit 16 August 1880, in her 70th year.
Anna Maria Wolseley, ob. 28 November 1870, anno aet. 70
Maria D’Olier, widow of the above-mentioned Isaac D’Olier, LL.D.,
ob. 18 July 1854, anno aet. 77.

There is a Huguenot portion in the burial ground of St. Peter’s, Aungier Street; and St. Anne’s, Dawson Street, has also its Huguenot corner.

In St. Peter’s there are the following interments:—

Gloria in Excelsis.
Memento mori.

Here lieth the body of Justiare Elizabeth De Fontenoy, born on the nth day of March 1787. A beautiful and amiable girl, she was forced by disturbances in France to emigrate with her family from her native land and take refuge among strangers, who, though they cannot repair the losses, sympathise in the sufferings of a noble but unfortunate family.

She died on the 16th day of January 1797.

Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Lafarelle, d. September 10, 1797;
also, Jane Lafarelle;
also, Thomas, husband of Elizabeth, d. 24 December 1815, aged 65.

This stone was erected by Henry Chaigneau
to the memory of his mother, Anne Chaigneau, who died March the 25th, 1799, aged 56.

Here lieth the body of General Charles Vallency,
who died on the 8th day of August 1812, in the 88th year of his age.

Mrs. Catherine Preval d. 15th March 1S82, aged 62.

Daniell Maunsell, d. Feb. 14, 1824, aged 75.

The following are at St. Anne’s:—

This stone and burial place belongs to Mr. Michael Perrol.
Here lies the body of Mrs. Margaret Perrol, wife of the above Michael,
who departed this life June 5, 1777, aged 30.

Sacred to the Memory of Katheren Hautenville, d. 20th Feb. 1798, aged 8;
also, the remains of Rawdon Hautenville, Esq., father of the above-named Catherine,
who died the 9th day of December 1815, aged 73 years;
also his wife, Abigail Hautenville,
who departed this life the 18Sth day of November 1820, aged 73 years.}}