Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/552

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Fonjuliane, 90

Fonsjuliane, 95

Fontjuliane, 96

Fonnereau, 63, 116, 126, 129, 131, 186, 365, 372, 381, 393, 399, 439, 485, 491, 496

Fonneveau, 107

Fontaine, 58, 111, 112, 166, 361

Fontane, 83

Fontanie, 83

Fontanes, 82

Fontalba, 90

Fontanne, 85

Fontenay, 515

Fontenelle, 511

Font Ronce, 86

Foran, 361

Forbes, 112

Forceville, 52

Forent, 231

Foretier, 47

Forestier, 166, 167, 173

Foriner, 62

Forister, 62

Forit, 60

Forme, 47

Formé, 119

Formont, 71, 72

Forrestier, 69

Fossé, 120

Fossier, ill

Fouace, 55, 323

Fouache, 69, 70

Foubert, 100, 103, 355

Foubbert, 53

Fouchard, 71

Foucon, 47

Foudrinier, 106

Fougeon, 104

Fougeron, 64, 71

Foulouse, 63

Foulrede, 66

Fouquerell, 55, 70

Fouquet, 66, 70, 114, 116

Fourblanche, 89

Fourchars, 73

Fourche, 47

Fourdrinier, 115, 123, 382

Fourgon, 47

Fournes, 361

Fournier, 35, 62, 80, 1 12

Fouron, 47

Fourreau, 174, 175

Fox, 65

Fradin, 68, 69

Fraigneau, 58, 459

Fraisinet, 86

Frallion, 68

Frammand, 521

Frances, 58

Francia, 58

Francillon, 66

Francois, 52

Francq, 47

Francquefort, 97

Franquefort, 360, 423

Franklin, Lady, 505

Frau, 48

Fraxinet, 360

Fraylle, 73

Frazier, 70

Freind, 342

Fremignac, 123

Frenchee, 523

Frenean, 48

Frenin, 110

Fresné-Cantbrun, 93

Fresneau, 55, 73

Fresnot, 1 20

Fret, 55

Friard, 89

Friell, 457

Frivilie, 131

Froment, 297

Fromenteau, 48

Frondell, 77

Frontin, 286

Fruschart, 55

Fuire, 119

Furon, 71

Fury, 65

Fymé, 103

Gabelle, 48

Gabet, 61

Gaches, 52, 61, 100, 360, 504

Gabrier, 66

Gachon, 524

Gadifar, 113

Gagnier, 388

Gaillard, 90

Gaillart, 108

Gaillardin, 34

Gaillon, 64

Gain, 35

Gaindait, 71

Gaiot, 48

Gairand, 6l

Galibert, 85

Galabin, 71

Galand, 73

Galland, 58, 85

Galdy, 55, 58, 188

Gale, 114

Gale, Roger, 74

Galineau, 60

Galissard, 65

Galais, 101

Gallais, 54, 70

Galland, 116

Gallary, 81

Galliard, 48

Gallissian, 85

Galloway, Countess of, 143

Galway, Earl of, 84, 91, 94, 113, 118, 120, 121, 130, 139, 148, 157, 169, 174, 232, 241, 249, 261, 270, 284, 291, 310, 523, 526

Gambier, 68, 69, 102, 103, no, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 123, 131, 401, 450

Gambier, Lord, 450

Garache, 173

Garbier, 45

Gardieu, 53

Garde, 128

Gardies, 55, 105, 123

Garie, 61

Garin, 45

Garnier, 52, 53, 55

Garinoz, 58

Cariot, 72

Garnauld, 104

Garnault, 63, 71, 73, 126, 411, 415

Garnier, 122, 125

Garon, 58, 71

Garipui, 99

Garrard, 67

Garrie, 110, 447

Garrick, 132

Garrie, 54

Garrison, 102

Garsoin, 119

Gascherie, 55

Gashlie, 72

Gassand, 86

Gassau, 77

Gassand, 85

Gast, 80, 426

Gastaing, 71

Gastigny, 62, 285, 523

Gastily, 73

Gaston, 53

Gastineau, 117

Gastine, 505

Gatini, 51

Gaubert, 83, 85

Gauche, 55

Gaude, 48

Gaudet, 55

Gaudeneau, 52

Gaudies, 55

Gaudy, 72

Gaudon, 107

Gaugain, 48, 55

Gaultier, 35, 48, 60, 61, 271, 370

Gautier, 48, 60, 71

Gaussen, 69, 72, 81, 115, 257, 384, 393, 401

Gautie, 45

Gautier, 100, 102, 105, 129, 518

Gautron, 48

Gauvain, 116

Gavol, 48

Gay, 79

Gaydan, 71

Gayot, 55

Gazeau, 111, 114

Gazuet, 78

Geay de la Grelière, 35

Gebert, 48

Gedouin, 360

Geffray, 121, 523

Gelien, 58

Gellie, 90

Gellis, 513

Gemhemier, 72

Genays, 52

Gendrant, 62

Gendran, 73

Gendrault, 54, 111

Gendreu, 72

Gendron, 35, 54

Geneste, 104, 105, 356

Genevrau, 85

Gentil, 102, 106

Gentilet, 71

Georges, 58

Gerand, 129

Gerbés, 92

Gerbier, 48

Gerdaut, 67

Germaine, 60

Germen, 35

Gershornith, 110

Geruy, 55

Gervaise, 48, 51, 78, 109, 371, 525

Gervais, 60, 222, 231, 402, 423,

Gervaizet, 67

Ges, 122

Gesselin, 509

Ghiselin, 48, 69, 78, 99, 263, 366

Gibaud, 254

Giberne, 102, 112, 114, 270

Gibbert, 77

Gibson, 107

Gideon, 61

Gignoux, 90, 91, 105, 112, 122, 123, 130, 410

Gignons, 96

Gignous, 122

Gilbert, 48, 66, 67, 99, 524

Gilles, 66, 70

Gille, 103

Gillet, 102, 232

Gillois, 48

Gillon, 116

Gillot, 116, 248, 395

Girand, 370

Girandeau, 73

Girard, 32, 48, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 70, 73, 89, 116, 125, 402

Giraurd, 69

Girardel, 114

Girardot, 54, 71, 79, 111, 113, 127, 222, 387, 402, 451

Girardot de Vermenoux, 366, 402

Girardott, 100

Girardot de Chancourt, 81

Girardot de Tillieux, 286

Giraud, 68, 70, 77, 111, 529

Giraux, 66

Girod, 67

Girolet, 122

Glatigny, 86

Glenisson, 72

Glintaus, 110

Glizier, 113

Gloria, 55, 112

Gnede, 68

Gobert, 89

Gobs, 48

Goddard, 69

Godard, 69, 71, 503

Godart, 123

Godeau, 48

Godfroy, 77

Godefroy, 48, 108

Godet, 68, 103

Godefrey, 114

Godfery, 114

Godfrey, 51

Godfroy, 63

Godin, 55, 69, 109, 127, 255, 373, 517

Godmay, 107

Godolphin, 41

Gohier, 63

Goilard, 58

Goisin, 58

Gold, 105

Goldevin, 63

Gomar, 55

Gomart, 53

Gomeon, 62

Gomm, 107, 506

Gommare, 361

Gonté, 99

Gontelles, 504

Gontier, 32, 66

Gonyquet de St. Eloy, 35

Gordie, 40

Gorgier, 128

Gorin, 71

Gorion, 48

Goriux, 286

Gorse, 80

Gosseaume, 70

Gosslin, 32

Gosselin, 101

Goslin, 63

Gosset, 119, 124, 126, 127, 403, 454, 463

Got, 370

Goubart, 109

Goubert, 55

Goudeau, 85

Goudet, 118

Goudett, 77

Goudron, 73

Gouffe, 48

Gougeon, 107

Gouinneau, 62

Goulain, 85

Gouland, 58

Goulard, 125

Goulle, 48

Gouneret, 78

Gourbiel, 54

Gourbuild, 173

Gourdin, 48, 55

Gourdon, 72

Gourdonnel, 83

Gousset, 103

Gouvernet, Marquise de, 62, 193, 205