Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/64

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historical introduction.

Anne Piquet.
Isaac Pinque, Catherine, wife.
Louis Pellisonneau.
John Pellotier.
Andrew Pellotier.
James Petitoiel.
Andrew Puisancour, Charlotte, wife, Peter and Annah, children.
Stephen Pesche.
John Pesche.
James Pelet.
Jeanne Petitoiel.
Anthony Penault.
Thomas Percey, Susan, wife, Susan, daughter.
Andrew Pensier.
Abraham Perrault, Magdalen, wife, Martha, Hester, Peter, Laurens, Charles, Bertlemy, Annali, and Theodore, children.
Daniel Pilon.
Esaiah Panthin.
Esaiah Panthin.
Abraham Panthin.
Peter Paysant John Paysant.
John Pantrier.
Peter Papavogn.
John Baptist Paravienne.
John Pau.
James Pagnis.
Mary Pele.
Jeanne, widow of Andrew Perdereau.
Anne Perdereau.
Jeanne Pierrand.
Mary, wife of Paul Pigro.
____, widow of Giles Paurat, Elizabeth and Mary, children.
Philip Pinandeau, Jeanne, wife.
Charles Pilon.
Francois Quern.
Daniel Quintard, Louisa, wife, Mary, daughter.
Stephen Quinault, Magdalen, wife, Stephen and Claud, sons.
James Renault.
Daniel Ravart.
Louis Regnier.
Daniel Regnier.
John Ruel.
Dav id Rollin, Hester, wife, Martha, Peter, and Anthony, children.
Peter Reberole.
Hester Rollin.
John Robert, Annah, wife, Annie and Mary, children.
Peter Roussellet.
David Ranel.
John Raimond.
Elizabeth, widow of Peter Raine, Elizabeth, daughter.
Isaac Rainel.
John Resse, alias Du Chouquet.
Francis Rousseau.
Jacob Rousseau.
John Rousseau John Roule.
James Roger, Julia, wife, Anthony, son.
James Rondart.
Jeanne, widow of Gervais Ravel.
John Robert, Catherine, wife, Susan, Catherine-Mary, and Philip, children.
David Sarasin.
James Sarasin.
John Saint-Aman, and Vtne-Magdalen, daughter of the said John Saint-Aman.
James Saint-Aman, Margaret, wife, Magdalen, daughter.
Matthew Saint-Aman, Mary, wife, Mary, Judith, Rachel, Hester, Abraham, and Matthew, children.
Francis Soureau, Frances, wife, Francis, Peter, and Abraham, sons.
Magdalen Shipeau, Magdalen, daughter.
Luke Sene, Judith, wife, John, Mary, James, and Elizabeth, children.
Peter Segouret.
John Sieurin.
Renatus Simonneau.
Peter Sibron.
Leonard Souberan.
Noel Solon.
Jeanne Solon.
Samuel Targier, Jeanne, wife.
Peter Toullion.
James Taumur.
John Taumur.
John Tavernier.
James Target, Isabella, daughter.
Peter Tellier.
John Tillon.
Philip Thercot.
Isaac Thuret.
Peter Toutaine, Judith, wife.
Peter Totin.
James Torquet.
Peter Touchart, Catherine, wife, Magelin, Elizabeth, Peter, and Margaret, children.
Michael Tourneur, Mary, wife, John-Peter, John, and Mary, children.
Michael Tourneur.
Jacob Trigau, Margaret, wife.
John Trillet, Elizabeth, wife, Mary-Magdalen, daughter.
John Vermallete, Anne, wife.
Hector Vattemare.
Joel Vautille.
Samuel Vattelet.
James Vare, Mary, wife, Mary, Susan, Anne, and Elizabeth, children.
Charles Vermalette.
James Visage, Jeanne, wife.
Peter Visage.
John Vignault, jun., Timothy, son.
Anthony Villotte.
Abraham Vivier.
Stephen Vivian, Mary, wife, Mary, Elizabeth, and Judicq, children.
John Vincent, Susan, wife, Livo, son.
Joshua Vrigno, Judith, Jetel, and James, children.
Sana Vannes.
Mary, widow of John Vannes.
Magdalen Veure.
Sarah Voier.
James Yon, Mary, wife, James, son.
James Roger

Notes. — The surnames in the above list are in alphabetical order, though not strictly so; the list is alphabetical as to the first letter of each surname, but not as to the first syllable.