Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/67

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section seventh.

Michael David and Margaret David.
John L’Archeveque.
Nicholas Massey, Susan, wife, Abraham, Henry, Nicholas, and James, sons.
Peter Lambert.
Joachim Falch (King’s letter says “Falk”).
Henry Retz.
Joshua Meochim de l’Amour.
Isaac La Roche, Anne, wife, Isaac, Daniel, Ciprien, Judith, and Catherine, children.
Isaac Du Bois, Margaret, wife, Jonas, John, and Alexander, sons.
John Henry Marion.
Elizabeth Seigler and Francis Seigler.
Louis De la Faye, Mary, wife, Charles, son.
Theodore Dagar, Mary, wife.
Francis Lumeau Du Pont, clerk.

Notes. — As to List X., Isaac Garnier’s family seems to have taken deep root in England. On Christmas day 1868 (the public prints inform us) “the Very Rev. Dr. Gamier, Dean of Winchester, who is blind and in his ninety-fourth year, recited to the congregation in the cathedral the whole of the prayers at the afternoon service.” Rev. Francis Lumeau Du Font became French minister of Edinburgh; his name is mentioned in the register of the city in connection with baptisms; in one entry he is called Mons. Francis de Pugn.

With regard to the Du Bourdieu family, named in this list, it is remarkable that neither Isaac nor John has the designation “clerk” added to his name. In my chapter xvi. it will be seen that a very aged minister, Isaac Du Bourdieu, a celebrated man, was a refugee along with his equally celebrated son, John. John had at his death in 1720 an eldest son, Peter, and another son, Armand, both mentioned in his will. It is possible that this may be a different family, although of the same clan and with coincidences as to Christian names.

XI. — 4th April, 1st Ja. II. (1685).

Solomon Foubbert, Magdalene, wife, Henry and Peter, sons.
Peter Lorrain.
Judith Foubbert, wife of Nicholas Durrell.
Evert Jolivet.
John Henry Lussan.
Peter Azire, Susan, wife.
Louis Gaston, Peter, Tenne-Guy, and Sarah, children.
Richard le Bas.
Nicolas Guerin.
Robert Guerin.
James le Fort.
Philip Collon.
John Pluet.
Michael Cadet.
John Castaing.
Daniel Le Fort.
Stephen Mayen.
Philip Rose.
Rueben La Mude, Peter Martin.
Isaac Le Fort.
Peter Daval.
Peter Careiron.
Charles Piozet.
James Gardien.
Isaac Gomart (clerk).
Abraham Faulcon (clerk).
James Du Fan.
Thomas Guenault.
John Auriol.
John Chotard.
Isaac Caillabueuf.
Noah Royer.
Isaac Bertran.
David Raymondon.
Simon Testefolle, Elizabeth, wife, Mary Claude and Simon, children.
James Sangeon.
Dionysius Helot, Olympia, wife, Francis and John, sons.
Samuel Masse, and Samuel, son.
John Cailloue.
Daniel Yon.
Daniel Guy.
Gabriel Guy.
Simon Rolain.
Thomas Quarante.
John De la Fuye.
Susan De la Fuye.
Josias Barill.
James Ouvri.
Abel Raveau.
Gideon Mobileau.
John Gueyle.
John Baptist Estivall.
John De Caux.
Elias Bonin.
Philip Guillandeau.
Paul Baignoux.
Francis Sartoris.
John Billonart.
John La Vie.
Anthony Chauvin.
James Penech, Isabella, wife, David, Antoinette, Catherine, Margaret, Anne, and Isabella, children.
John Du Charol (clerk), and Jane, wife.
Michael Mercier, Margaret, wife, Daniel, son.
Peter Fauconnier and Magdalene, wife.
Louis Pasquereau, Magdalene, wife, Louis, Peter, and Isaac, sons, William Charpanelle, Susan, wife, Renatus, Margaret, Helen, and Jane, children.
Samuel Ravenel.
Ann Joiry.
Louis Le Clere, and Mary, wife.

XII. — 20th March, 2d Ja. II. (1686 n.s.).

Stephen Pigou.
Anthony Holzafell, Mary, wife, Anthony, son Anthony Sabaties.
Alexander Theree Castagnier.
Abraham Cardes.
Bartholomew Pelissary.
Charles Hayrault, Susan, wife, Susan and Mary, children.
Cephas Tutet, Margaret, wife, Mark-Cephas, son.