Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/79

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section seventh.

couched in it, plainly demonstrated and confuted”] the pamphlet contains the following answer to that paragraph:—

“This worthy knight may please to consider, that abundance of those French would be glad to follow the plough-tail in England, if their language and other circumstances would hut admit it, rather than be in the starving condition that many of them labour under. Such of them as have been farmers are neither acquainted with our way of manuring, nor have they stock or credit to procure farms. Most of them have been brought up in another way of living; for it’s sufficiently known that the Protestants in France had the greatest part of the trade and manufactures in the nation. Many of them are gentlemen, officers, and scholars, and consequently unfit for such an employment: and our farmers have not commonly so much respect for the meaner sort of them, as to make use of their service either for plough or cart. And, for such as would come hither to reap the benefit of being naturalized, it’s probable that they may be persons of better condition than ordinary farmers, and their stocks might be more advantageously employed in the kingdom. While at the same time the increase of people will require an increase of provisions, and by consequence make farming and ploughing both more frequent and profitable than it is at present.”

We pass on to 1696, and discover in the Patent-Rolls five more lists of naturalized foreigners, dated from that year down to the last year of William III.

XXI. — 10th July, 8th Will. III. (1696).

Peter Brocas De Hondesplains (clerk), John, Peter Gulston son.
Moses Pujolas (clerk).
James Guesher (clerk).
Charles Theophilus Mutel (clerk).
Richard Wilcens (clerk).
John Mason (clerk).
Ireneus Crusins (clerk).
James Teissoniere D’Ayrolle.
Anthony Cordes, Esther-Magdalen, wife.
James Fury.
Louis Fury.
Peter Poincet, Sarah, wife.
Henry Albert.
John Bonine.
Louisa Beauchamp Vareilles.
Magdalen Olympia Beauchamp.
John Galissard.
Berend Lorens.
Thomas Turst.
Anne Barat.
Elizabeth Barat De Salenave.
Alexander La Plaigne.
Peter Silvestre.
Peter Gusson.
René Grillet. John, and René, sons.
Stephen Rainbaux.
Charles Breband.
Jonah Bonhoste.
Burchard Poppin.
John Le Bailli, John, son.
John Molet.
Abraham De Mombray.
Elizabeth Ogilby.
Jacob Couvreur.
James Barbot, Mary, wife.
Peter Perpoint, Mary Magdalene, wife.
Peter Crude, Richard Elijah, his son.
Elisha Chupin.
John Michel.
Thomas Michel.
Louis De Hanne.
Isaac Hoissard.
Daniel Horry, Elizabeth, wife.
John Cuibal, Esther, wife.
Anthony Boureau, Jane, wife, Jane, daughter.
John Le Moyne.
Abraham Labourle.
Peter Horry.
John Hesdon.
Peter La Salle.
Abel Denys.
Christiana Bege.
John De Raedt.
John Abelain.
James De Pont.
David Christian.
Remier Sbuelen.
Theophilus Guerineau.
Jacob Chretien.
John Lestocart.
David Mortier.
Charles Clari.
John Bernard.
Laurence Loveres.
James Nyna Cruger.
Henry Mazick.
Jaquette Stample.
Daniel Guyon.
John Guyon.
William Ballaire.
Gerard Sohnms.
Peter Noblet.
Martin Neusrue.
Adam Billop.
John Charron.
Nicholas Charron.
Cornelius Bewkell.
Paul Fenoulhet, Magdalen, wife, Elizabeth, Mary, James, Francis, and Louis, children.
Isaac Le Blond.
John Reyners.
Gabriel Vanderhumeken.
Peter Dove.
Benjamin Barbaud.
Francis Fox.
Francis Girard, Mary, wife.
Gerard Baudertin.
Paul Labelle.
Daniel Bobin.
Benjamin Dariette.
René Rezeau, René, Abraham, and Peter, sons.
Anthony Puitard.
John Hastier.