Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/90

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historical introduction.

before either the Court of Queen’s Bench, or the Court of Common Pleas, or the Court of Exchequer.

Queen’s Bench, Westminster. These are to satisfie all persons whom it may concern that Sarah Aufrere wife of Israel Anthony Aufrere of St. James, Westminster, within the county of Middlesex, born out of the allegiance of Her Most Excellent Majesty Anne, by the Grace of God Queen of Great Britain &c: Did on Monday the fourteenth day of November Anno Domini 1709, personally appear before the Justices of Her said Majesties Queen’s Bench at Westminster, and then and there, in term time, between the hours of nine and twelve in the forenoon of the same day, produce and deliver in open court a certificate in writing of her receiving the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in a Protestant or Reformed Congregation in this kingdom of Great Britain within three months past, next before the exhibiting such certificate, signed by the person administering such sacrament, and attested by two credible witnesses in pursuance of an Act of Parliament made in the seventh year of her said Majesties reign, entitled, an Act for Naturalizing Foreign Protestants, and then and there took and subscribed the oaths, and made, repeated and subscribed the declaration appointed by Act of Parliament, made in the sixth year of her said Majesties reign, entitled, an act to make further provision for electing and summoning sixteen Peers of Scotland to sit in the House of Peers in the Parliament of Great Britain, and for trying Peers for offences committed in Scotland, and for the further regulating of voters in elections of Members to serve in Parliament.

“Dated the 14th day of November in the year of our Lord 1709 and in the eighth year of her said Majesties reign.

Richd. Harcourt, Secondar. Coron.
Officii in Cuo Dnae Rnae coram ipsa Rua.

“Taken out of the several offices and delivered by Messrs Laymerie and Brissac, as also certificate for the sacrament ready filled up.”

In Ireland, naturalization, on taking the oaths before the Lord Chancellor, was granted without difficulty. The following are all the names I find in my note-book:—

Dublin Patent Rolls. Adam Billon (1 Aug. 1699). The following merchants being “Protestant strangers,” — (29th Nov. 1704).— Henry Maynard, Anthony Guizot, Stephen Peridier, David Dupont, James Bournac, Clenet Clancherie, Peter Bigot, Daniel Guion, John Clamouse, James Soignon, Samuel Offre, Mark Le Blanc, Andrew Le Blanc, William Boncoiron, Peter Dumas.

Naturalization by a private Act of Parliament could be attested either by reference to the Rolls of Parliament or by the possession of a copy of the Act, signed by the Clerk of the Parliaments, or by his deputy. I transcribe a specimen of a Naturalization Act.

An Act for naturalizing Peter Langlois and others. Anno 6° Annae Reginae [1707], No. 75.

Humbly beseech your most excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, Peter Dubourdieu, son of John Dubourdieu, by Margaret, his wife, born at Usez, in Languedoc in France, Peter Langlois, son of Peter Langlois, by Jane, his wife, born at Montpelier, in France, and others, being all persons born out of your Majesties allegiance, but professing the true Protestant religion, and having given good testimony of their Humble, Dutiful, and Loyal affection to your Majesty and the good of the kingdom of Great Brittaine.

That it may be enacted ———— and Be it enacted by the Queen’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, that they, the said Peter Dubourdieu, Peter Langlois, and others, be, and are hereby from henceforth Naturalized, and shall be adjudged and taken to all intents and purposes Naturalized, and as free-born subjects of this Kingdom of Great Britain; and they are and shall be from henceforth adjudged, reputed, and taken to bear every conditions, respect, and degree, free to all intents, purposes, and constructions, as if they and every one of them had been and were born natural subjects of this kingdom of Great Britaine.

And be it further enacted, declared, and ordained by the authority foresaid, that the said Peter Dubourdieu, Peter Langlois, and others, shall be and are hereby enabled and adjudged able to all intents, purposes, and constructions whatsoever, to Inherite, and be Inheritable and Inherited, and to demand, challenge, ask, take, return, have and enjoy all Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, goods, chattels, debts, estates, and all other Privileges and Immunities, benefit, and advantage in Law or Equity belonging to the liege proper and natural born subjects of this Kingdom; and to make his or their Resort or Pedigree as Heir to his or their ancestors, Lineall or Collaterall, by reason of any Descent, Remainder, Reverter, Right or Title, Legacy or Bequest whatsoever, which hath, may or shall from henceforth descend, remain, revert, accrue, or grow due unto them, and every of them; as also from henceforth to take, have, retain, keep, and enjoy all Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments which he or they may or shall have by way of purchase or gift of any person or persons whatsoever; as also to prosecute, pursue, maintain, avow, Justify, and Defend all and all