Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/99

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section eighth.

Officers of the Staff.

My Lord Gallway, colonel.
Daubussargues, second colonel.
Yerangle, 'lieutenant-colonel'.
Mazeres, major.
La Sarra, chaplain.
Rambaud, chirurgien.
Moreau, agent.

Standing Officers.

Captains. — Earl of Gallway, Daubussargues, Verangle, Mazcres, Changuion, Bernatre, Maupas, La Fabrèque, Lamillière, La Bouchetière.

Lieutenants. — La Lande, Cambecrose, Pinsun, Salles, Maisonneuve, Colombier, Boisribeau, Dumay.

Cornets. — Francois Lubiéres, Louis Dollon, Yaudière, Gassaud, Dhours, Laroque, Plafay, La Caltiere, Milliere.

Quartermasters.— Saurin, Guyraudet, Mallié, Boyer, Farange, Amatis, Pineau, Chelar, Pellisier.

Reformed Officers.

Captains. — Décury (second major), Desloires, Goulain, Lyverne, Vesian, Rouviere, Fontaune, Cramahé, La Cailtière, La Coudrière, Louis Lamalquière, La Bessede, Chabrieres, Louvigny, Valcery, Clervaux, Guerin, Dallons [Dallory?]

Lieutenants. — Rousse, Isaac Maleray, Dutay, Chapel, St. Cristol, Nicolas, Comarques, Dalés, Drulhon, Thermin, Dimarette, Sijol, Duchesne, Gaubert, Constantin, Therond, Sigoniere, Moncornet, Dumarest, Duval, Constantin, La Rouviere, Ferron, Dornaut, La Roque, Le Blanc, Cambes.

Cornets. — Lasalles, Rigaudie, Jalaquier, De Forneaux, Brunei, Desiles, Dupuis, La Chapelle, Darguy, Dabadie, Dubay, Corbettes, Du Chesne, Savonet, Grangues, Bragnier, Ste Maison, Delisle, Louis [Daniel?] Coulon, Dallory, jun.[1]

Officers recommended for promotion on their retirement.

To be standing Captains. — Messrs. Dallons, Lamalquiere, Cramahé.

To be reformed Captains. — Messrs. La Roque, De la Lande, Maisonneuve, Colombier, Salles, D’Arabin, Dornant, Blancard, Du Therond.

To be Lieutenants. — Messrs. De Long Champ, Pineau, Castel, Chateauneuf, La Salles, Pineau, Chelar, Guyraudet, Saurin.

To be Cornets. — Moreau, Galland, Lafontan.

Persons of Note who had served as Privates.
(Recommended for pensions on disbandment.)

Brigadiers. — Baltazar Farinel, Marc Rigaudie, Jean Fauché, Jean Hudat, Pierre Gallissian, Louis Raboteau. [Brigadiers were cavalry-sergeants, and eligible for promotion to the rank of Mareschal-des-logis, or quartermaster.]

Messieurs Caspar Pajeon, Louis Pujon, Timothée Lafitte, Jean Beauchamp, Jaques La Bruleray, Abraham Genevrau, Jean Du Chesne, Charles Denie, Jaques Marc, Abell Amabis, Pierre Pineau, Jaques Pineau, Isac Guymet, Benjamin Dumas, Denis Galibert, Pierre Quatrefages, Andre Bertrau, Etienne Jeanbon, Jean Dubuy, A. Bonefoy, L. Danyer, L. Goudeau, H. Salez, _____ Tonquet, A. Corbette, Gabriel Canasille, J. Dumafé, S. Nicolas, Alex. Milliere, _____ Dubose, H. Soignou, Chabot, Fagou, Lapalisle, Vialas.

The following is the substance of a petition forwarded to the government by Lord Galway in 1698:—

“Nicolas de Louvigny, captain in Galway's Horse, whose brother (colonel in the same regiment) died in active service, petitions for a pension. There are dependent on him a large family, his very aged mother-in-law, his wife, two children, and two female relations. He had charge of the regimental funds for the subsidence of the soldiers’ families and for pensions to officers’ widows and orphans, without a farthing’s remuneration, so that he fears he may be out of pocket.”

The senior half-pay officers in 1719 were Colonel Daubussargues and Lieutenant-Colonel Verangle. Its half-pay in 1719 amounted to £2265, and in 1722 to £2294.

Some of the officers came into notice in the reign of Queen Anne, viz., the Comte De Paulin, Messieurs Montargis, La Bouchetière, &c. De Bostaquet says that Cornet Du Teron became an audit lord; probably he held a responsible post in the Exchequer or Audit Office of Ireland. Lieutenant La Boulay became a proprietor

  1. Accidentally I copied two lists of this one regiment, so that my readers have the result of a collation.