Page:Provincial geographies of India (Volume 4).djvu/130

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pensaries, slaughter-houses, sanitation, roads, and waterways. They will impose taxation for local purposes.

Most districts are partitioned into sub-divisions and these again into townships. Many of the sub-divisional and practically all the township officers (Myo-ôks) are natives of

Fig. 46. A Myo-thugyi.

Fig. 46. A Myo-thugyi.

the country, the great majority of Burmese race. Formerly there was a further territorial division; in Lower Burma, the circle (taik), in Upper Burma, the myo, each an aggregate of village areas under a Taik-thugyi or a Myo-thugyi respectively. These have for the most part disappeared, and the territorial unit is now the village. Consistent efforts have been made to preserve and strengthen the