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Nelly Armstrong, (author of) Mrs. S. R. Whitehead.

Nemesis, (London Dispatch) James Beal. 1829 ....

Nemesis of Faith, (author of) James Anthony Fronde. 1818

Nemo, Roland F. Coffin. 1826

Neptune, Benjamin Ogle Taylor.

Neptunus, Benjamin Bruce.

Nestor, (London Guardian) Sir Richard Steele. 1671 1720

Nestor Ironsides, Sir Richai'd Steele. 1671 1729

Neville Temple, Hon. Charles Henry Fane.

Newdigate prezimar, William H. Mallock.

New England Housekeeper, Mrs. Samuel Oilman. 1794 1858

New Oospel of Peace, (au. of) Richard Orant White. 1822

N. Y. Times Man, (6th Coiiunn Fanciit) W. L. Alden. .... ....

M. Felix, Nicholas Wanostrocht.

N. H. Belden, N. B. Clarke.

Nibrah, L. S. Hardin. 1840

Nicander, Rev. Morris Williams.

Nichault de Lavalette, Maria Frances Sophie Gay. 1776 185!^

Nicholas Smith, Edward Knott. 1580 1655

Nichol Jarvie, (Brooklyn Times) William Mc Donald Wood. 1847

Nicholas Spicer, (Turf Field & Farm) Col. Alban S. Payne. 1822

Nicias Foxcar, (Journal) Rev. Francis Jacox.

Nick, Jonas E. Whitley. 1849

Nick of the Woods, (author of) Dr. Bird. 1803 1854

Nic Slater, Charles M. Connolly.

Night in the Wilderness^ James Oreenwood. 1690

Nights at Mess, (author of) Rev. James White.

Nikolai Stchedrin, W. Saltikoff.

Nilla, . Abby Allin. (pub. 1860)

Nimport, (author of) Edwin Lasseter Bynner.

Nimrod, (Bell's Life) Charles James Apperly. 1773 1848

Niphas, Augustine Nifo. 1473 1538

Nitgenockle, William Hamilton Oalt. 1856

Noah Count, Edwin H. Trafton.

Nobody, nothing of Nowheres, Rev. James Alexander Young

Nobody's Husband, (author of) Samuel Wood worth Cozzens

Noevius, Gaspard Nefe. 1514 1580

N. of Arkansas, Col. C. M. F. Noland.

Nomad, Gen. George A. Custer. 1840 187ft

Nonnius, Ludwig Nuftez. 1555 ....

Nonnius Pincianus, Ferdinand Nunnez. 1473 155S Nonpariel Quadrat X. P. D., J. G. P. Holden.

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