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��tions of, upon their religious life, 318-319-

Land booms in South, example of popular mania, 266.

Language, evolution of, with ad vance of culture, 32; skilful use of, as a means of arousing emotion, 125-132.

Layman s Missionary Movement, tendency of business type of mind shown in, 326-327.

Leisure, effect of, upon develop ment of mental life, 290; re sults of labouring man s lack of, 307-308, 311-313-

Levity, an unbecoming quality in ministers, 296, 298.

Liberty, use of emotion evoked by sentiment of, for promoting mental fusion, 257^258.

Life, the forth-reaching, on ward-moving character of, 192-194.

Literary style, relation between mental images and, 32-33.

Literature, different feelings for nature shown in early and later, 35O-35I-

Locomotive engine, divergence in significance of, to different mental systems, 54-55.

Loneliness, intolerance of, by modern man, 349-350.

Love, as a means of promoting mental fusion in an assembly, 256-257.

��MacCunn, John, quoted as to importance of ideals, 109.

McDougall, William, definition of an instinct by, quoted, 3-4; quoted on emotions, 68; defi nition of sentiment by, 94; quoted on the sentiments, 203.

Machinery, effect of familiarity with, upon modern conception of universe, 356-357.

Maier, cited on the emotions, 69.

Man, instinctive organization of,

��compared with that of ani mals, 6-7.

Materialism, how tendency of labouring man is toward, 310; effect of the labouring man s, on his religious side, 319-320.

Meaning, of sensation or mental image, 42; primary or func tional, 43-45; secondary or theoretical, and its relation to the functional, 45-47; effect upon, of differentiation of mental systems, 52-56.

Mental epidemics, defined, 265; two broad classes of, dis tinguished, 265-266; popular manias or crazes, 266-268 ; two fundamental processes re sulting in, 268-269; laws of, 270 ff. ; movement in waves, 270-271 ; waves of collective emotion followed by reaction in opposite direction, 271 ; two powerful popular emotions can not occur at same time, 271- 272 ; spread of, along lines of mental homogeneity, common interest, and frequent contact, 272 ; conditions favourable to occurrence of, 272-278; bear ing of progress of society upon phenomena of, 278 ff. ; rela tion of tendencies of modern life to, 283-287; greater value of, when brought under direc tion of intelligence, 288.

Mental equipment and organ ization, suggestibility varies inversely as the, 216-218.

Mental image, question of what is a, 19-20; defined as a con scious copy of an experience, 20; forms of imagery, 20-22; recall of the image, 22-29; viewed as our intellectual stock-in-trade, 29-33.

Mental systems, 34 ff. ; processes of organization, 35-39; con struction of a philosophy, 39- 40; meaning of sensation or mental image, 42-43; primary

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