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The Work of Preaching

By ARTHUR S. HOYT, Professor of Homiletics and Sociology in Auburn Theological Sem inary. New edition with new matter.

Cloth, I2mo, $1.50

��To his "interpretation of preaching as a living message" Dr. Hoyt now adds two new chapters and expands considerably his earlier treatment of "Illustration." His purpose is, as expressed in the preface, to help busy men in the ministry to measure their work and to renew their ideal of preaching and their faith in its power. Published originally nearly twelve years ago, it has, in that long period of time, well met the needs and as now enlarged there is every prospect that it will continue to be of very practical service. The chapters take up such topics as The Importance of Preaching, Preparation for Preach ing, Preparation of the Sermon: The Introduction, The Develop ment, The Conclusion; The Use of Explanation, Illustration, Persuasion; Preaching with Manuscript; Extemporaneous Preaching; The Oral Style and the Elements of Effective Preaching.


Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York

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