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Effective Public Speaking and the Essentials of Effective Gesture



Mr. Mosher has brought together without change in this new volume his two valuable books on Public Speaking, " The Essentials of Extempore Speaking " and " The Essen tials of Effective Gesture." The combination produces a manual that is complete and adequate for the teacher as well as the student of public speaking.

Among the topics presented are: Overcoming the Dread of Speaking in Public; The Functions of the Parts of a Speech; Arranging the Material; The Preparation for a Speech; The Personality of the Speaker; The Speaker s Attitude Towards His Audience; The Nature and Tech nique of Gesture; The Position and Forms of the Hand with Their General Meaning; The Scope of Gesture An alyzed and Exemplified ; Acquiring Facility in Gesture.

The b"ook contains over one hundred pages of selections for analysis and delivery.


Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York

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