Page:Psychology of the Unconscious (1916).djvu/347

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Ea conquered the father, but Tiâmat plotted revenge. She prepared herself for battle against the gods.

"Mother Hubur, who created everything,
Procured invincible weapons, gave birth to giant snakes
With pointed teeth, relentless in every way;
Filled their bellies with poison instead of blood,
Furious gigantic lizards, clothed them with horrors,
Let them swell with the splendor of horror, formed them rearing,
Whoever sees them shall die of terror.
Their bodies shall rear without turning to escape.
She arrayed the lizards, dragons and La[h)]amen,
Hurricanes, mad dogs, scorpion men,
Mighty storms, fishmen and rams.
With relentless weapons, without fear of conflict,
Powerful are Tiâmat's commands, irresistible are they.

"After Tiâmat had powerfully done her work
She conceived evil against the gods, her descendants;
In order to revenge Apsu, Tiâmat did evil.
When Ea now heard this thing
He became painfully anxious, sorrowfully he sat himself.
He went to the father, his creator, An[)s]ar,
To relate to him all that Tiâmat plotted.
Tiâmat, our mother, has taken an aversion to us,
Has prepared a riotous mob, furiously raging."

The gods finally opposed Marduk, the god of spring, the victorious sun, against the fearful host of Tiâmat. Marduk prepared for battle. Of his chief weapon, which he created, it is said:

"He created the evil wind, Im[h)]ullu, the south storm and the hurricane,
The fourth wind, the seventh wind, the whirlwind and the harmful wind,
Then let he loose the winds, which he had created, the seven:
To cause confusion within Tiâmat, they followed behind him,