Page:Psychology of the Unconscious (1916).djvu/462

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The motive of pursuit (the pursuing Sieglinde, analogous to Leto) is not here bound up with the spiritual mother, but with Wotan, therefore corresponding to the Linos legend, where the father of the wife is also the pursuer. Wotan is also the father of Brunhilde. Brunhilde stands in a peculiar relation to Wotan. Brunhilde says to Wotan:

"Thou speakest to the will of Wotan By telling me what thou wishest: Who . . . am I Were I not thy will?"


I take counsel only with myself, When I speak with thee. . . .

Brunhilde is also somewhat the "angel of the face," that creative will or word,[61] emanating from God, also the Logos, which became the child-bearing woman. God created the world through his word; that is to say, his mother, the woman who is to bring him forth again. (He lays his own egg.) This peculiar conception, it seems to me, can be explained by assuming that the libido overflowing into speech (thought) has preserved its sexual character to an extraordinary degree as a result of the inherent inertia. In this way the "word" had to execute and fulfil all that was denied to the sexual wish; namely, the return into the mother, in order to attain eternal duration. The "word" fulfils this wish by itself becoming the daughter, the wife, the mother of the God, who brings him forth anew.[62]