Page:Psychology of the Unconscious (1916).djvu/611

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  • [Footnote: she speaks of "a rigidity of the soul on the cross," of "stone figures"

which must be "ransomed."

I call attention here to the fact that the symbolisms mentioned above are striking examples of Silberer's "functional category." They depict the condition of introversion.](services) which Mithra performed in the service of freeing humanity; "somewhat corresponding, if it is permitted to compare the small with the great, with the carrying of the cross by Christ" (Cumont: "Textes et Monuments," I, 72). Surely it is permissible to compare the two acts.

Man should be past that period when, in true barbaric manner, he haughtily scorned the strange gods, the "dii minorum gentium." But man has not progressed that far, even yet.]