Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/349

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of remorse and to cure himself of his abnormal sexual inclinations, wished to go into a cloister. While in this state, my “Psychopathia Sexualis” fell into his hands. He was frightened and filled with shame, but found a comfort in it, inasmuch as he concluded that he must have some malady. His first thought was to rehabilitate himself sexually in his own eyes. He overcame all disinclination, and visited a brothel. At first he was not successful, on account of great excitement, but he finally succeeded.

Since, however, his contrary sexual inclinations were not overcome, in spite of all his efforts to put them down, he finally came to me, asking for assistance. He felt himself to be terribly unfortunate, and very near to despair and suicide. He saw destruction before him, and would be saved at any price.

His confession was interrupted by numerous hysterical attacks. Comforting and encouraging words about his future had a calming influence.

Physically, patient presented a slightly retreating brow, with no other anatomical signs of degeneration. Spinal irritation, exaggerated deep reflexes, and a sense of pressure in the head pointed to a neurasthenic condition. No genital anomalies, though there was hyperæsthesia urethræ. Mien distressed; attitude relaxed; mind distracted and vacillating.

Hip-baths, massage, ergot with antipyrin and pot. brom., ordered, with interdiction of onanism, intercourse with men, and lascivious thoughts of them.

After a few days the patient came complaining that he was not equal to the task. He said his will was too weak. In this precarious situation, it seemed that nothing but hypnotic treatment could bring improvement.

September 11, 1889. First sitting. Bernheim’s method used, in order to induce lethargy as quickly as possible.


1. I abhor onanism, and will not masturbate again.

2. I regard the inclination for men disgusting,—horrible; and I shall never think men handsome and enticing.

3. Women alone I find enticing. Once a week I shall cohabit, with full pleasure and power.

The patient received these suggestions, and repeated them in a drawling tone.

The sittings took place every second day. After the fifteenth, it was possible to induce the somnambulic stage of hypnosis with any post-hypnotic suggestions desired.

The patient improved morally and mentally, but symptoms of cerebral neurasthenia troubled him still, and, now and then, dreams of men occurred; and there were, also, in the waking state, inclinations toward men, which depressed him exceedingly.