Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/463

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Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia.


Lessons in Gynecology.

By [[Author:William Goodell]], A.M., M.D., etc., Professor of Clinical Gynecology in the University of Pennsylvania.

This exceedingly valuable work, from one of the most eminent specialists and teachers in gynecology in the United States, is now offered to the profession in a much more complete condition than either of the previous editions. It embraces all the more important diseases and the principal operations in the field of gynecology, and brings to bear upon them all the extensive practical experience and wide reading of the author. It is an indispensable guide to every practitioner who has to do with the diseases peculiar to women. Third Edition. With 112 illustrations. Thoroughly" revised and greatly enlarged. One volume, large octavo, 578 pages.

Price, in United States and Canada, Cloth, $5.00 ; Full Sheep, $6.00. Discount, per cent., making it, net, Cloth, $4.00 ; Sheep, $1.80. Postage, 27 cents extra. Great Britain, Cloth, 22s. 6i ; Sheep, 28s., post-paid. France, 30 fr. 80.

It is too good a book to have been allowed to remain out of print, and it has unquestionably been missed. The author has revised the work with special care, adding to each lesson such fresh matter as the progress in the art rendered necessary, and he has enlarged it by the insertion of six new lessons. This edition will, without question, be as eagerly sought for as were its predecessors. American Journal of Obstetrics.

His literary style is peculiarly charming. There is a directness and simplicity about it which is easier to admire than to copy. His chain of plain words and almost blunt expressions, his familiar comparison and homely illustrations, make his writings, like his lectures, unusually entertaining. The substance of his teachings we regard as equally excellent. Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter.

Extended mention of the contents of the book is unnecessary; suffice it to say that every important disease found in the female sex is taken up and discussed in a common-sense kind of a way. We wish every physician in America could read and carry out the suggestions of the chapter on "the sexual relations as causes of uterine disorders conjugal onanism and kindred sins." The department treating of nervous counterfeits of uterine diseases is a most valuable one. Kansas City Medical Index.


Plain Talks on Avoided Subjects.

By Henry N. Guernsey, M.D., formerly Professor of Materia Medica and Institutes in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia ; author of Guernsey's " Obstetrics," including the Disorders Peculiar to Women and Young Children ; Lectures on Materia Medica, etc. The following Table of Contents shows the scope of the book:

Contents.—Chapter I. Introductory. II. The Infant. III. Childhood. IV. Adolescence of the Mnle. V. Adolescence of the Female. VI. Marriage: The Husband. VII. The Wife. VIII. Husband and Wife. IX. To the Unfortunate. X. Origin of the Sex. In one neat 16mo volume, bound in Extra Cloth.

Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00 ; Great Britain, 6s. ; France, 6 fr. 20.