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Ch. 14.
Short Titles Act, 1896.
59 & 60 Vict.
Session and Chapter. Title. Short Title.
4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 78. An Act for the Amendment of the Proceedings and Practice of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. The Chancery (Ireland)  Act, 1834.
4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 85. An Act to amend an Act passed in the First Year of His present Majesty, to permit the general Sale of Beer and Cider by Retail in England. The Beerhouse  Act, 1834.
4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 92. An Act for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, and for the Substitution of more simple Modes of Assurance, in Ireland. The Fines and Recoveries (Ireland)  Act, 1834.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 16. An Act for altering and amending the Law regarding Commitments by Courts of Equity for Contempts, and the taking Bills pro Confesso, in Ireland. The Chancery (Ireland)  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 17. An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to extend to Ireland," and ends with the words "and Persons of unsound Mind." The Infants' Property (Ireland)  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 24. An Act for the Encouragement of the voluntary Enlistment of Seamen, and to make Regulations for more effectually manning His Majesty's Navy. The Naval Enlistment  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 26. An Act for the Appointment of convenient Places for the holding of Assizes in Ireland. The Assizes (Ireland)  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 27. An Act to continue and amend certain Regulations for the Linen and Hempen Manufactures in Ireland. The Linen Manufactures (Ireland)  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 35. An Act for consolidating the Offices of Paymaster- General, Paymaster and Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, Treasurer of the Navy, and Treasurer of the Ordnance. The Paymaster General  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 36. An Act to limit the Time of taking the Poll in Boroughs at contested Elections of Members to serve in Parliament to One Day. The Parliamentary Elections  Act, 1835.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 38. An Act for effecting greater Uniformity of Practice in the Government of the several Prisons in England and Wales. The Prisons  Act, 1835.