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Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
Ch. 25

(2.) A dispute between any such society or branch and person by reason of that enrolment or service shall be decided by a court of summary jurisdiction.

(3.) If the rules of a society or branch certified before the twenty-third day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and in force at the time of the enrolment or service, provide that a member shall be deprived of any benefit by reason of that enrolment or service, the society or branch may require of the member a contribution exceeding the rate of contribution otherwise payable by him to an amount not exceeding one tenth of that rate during the time the member is serving out of the United Kingdom, or may suspend all claim of the member to any benefits assured by the society or branch, and all claim of the society or branch to any contributions payable by the member, during tiie time only he is serving out of the United Kingdom, but so that if he returns to the United Kingdom he shall forthwith be replaced on the same footing as before he went abroad on service.

Property, Funds and Investments.

Investment of fund.44.—(1.) The trustees of a registered society or branch may, with the consent of the committee or of a majority of the members present and entitled to vote in general meeting, invest the funds of the society or branch, or any part thereof, to any amount in any of the following ways:

(a) in the Post Office Saving Bank, or in any savings bank certified under the Trustee Savings Bank Act, 186326 & 27 Vict. c. 87; or

(b) in the public funds; or

(c) with the National Debt Commissioners as in this Act provided; or

{d) in the purchase of land, or in the erection or alteration of offices or other buildings thereon; or

(e) upon any other security expressly directed by the rules of the society or branch, not being personal security, except as in this Act authorised with respect to loans.

(2.) The rules of a society with branches and of any branch thereof may provide for the investment of funds of the society or of that branch by the trustees of any branch, or by the trustees of the society, and the consent required for any such investment shall be the consent of the committee, or of such majority as aforesaid of the society or branch by whom the funds are invested.

Loans to assured members.45.—(1.) A registered society and, subject to the rules of Loans to the society, a registered branch may advance to a member of at least one full year's standing any sum not exceeding one half of the amount of an assurance on his life, on the written security of himself and two satisfactory sureties for repayment.

(2.) The amount so advanced, with all interest thereon, may be deducted from the sum assured, without prejudice in the meantime to the operation of the security.

Loans out of separate loan fund.46. A registered society may, out of any separate loan fund to be Loans oat of formed by contributions or deposits of its members, make loans to