Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/317

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Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
Ch. 25.

(3.) If upon the investigation it appears that the funds of the society or branch are insufficient to meet the existing claims thereon, or that the rates of contribution fixed in the rules of the society or branch are insufficient to cover the benefits assured to be given by the society or branch, the chief registrar may, if he considers it expedient so to do, award that the society or branch be dissolved, and its affairs wound up, and shall direct in what manner the assets of the society or branch shall be divided or appropriated: Provided always, that the chief registrar may suspend his award for such period as he may deem necessary to enable the society or branch to make such alterations and adjustment of contributions and benefits as will in his judgement prevent the necessity of the award of dissolution being made.

(4.) A registrar proceeding under this section shall have all the same powers and authorities, enforceable by the same penalties, as in the case of a dispute referred to him under this Act.

(5.) Every award under this section, whether for dissolution or distribution of funds, shall be final and conclusive on the society or branch in respect of which the award is made, and on all members of the society or branch and on all other persons having any claim on the funds of the society or branch, without appeal, and shall be enforced in the same manner as a decision on a dispute under this Act.

(6.) The expenses of every investigation and award, and of publishing every notice of dissolution, shall be paid out of the funds of the society or branch before any other appropriation thereof is made.

(7.) Notice of every award for dissolution shall, within twenty-one days after the award has been made, be advertised by the central office and unless, within three months from the date on which that advertisement appears, a member or person interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society or branch commences proceedings to set aside the dissolution of the society or branch consequent upon such award, and the dissolution is set aside accordingly, the society or branch shall be legally dissolved from the date of the advertisement, and the requisite consents to the application to the registrar shall be considered to have been duly obtained without proof of the signatures thereto.

Advertisement of notices82. A notice required by this Act to be advertised shall be Advertisement published in the Gazette and in some newspaper in general circulation in the neighbourhood of the registered office of the society or branch.

Dissolution of societies having branches.83. The provisions of this Act respecting the dissolution of Dissolution of societies shall not apply to any society having branches except leaving with the consent of the central body of the society.

Notice of proceedings or order to set aside dissolution.83.—(1.) Where a person takes any proceeding to set aside the dissolution of a society or branch, he shall give notice of the order proceeding to the central office not less than seven days before the proceeding is commenced.

(2.) Where an order is made setting aside the dissolution of a society or branch, the society or branch shall give notice of they