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Ch. 25.
Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
59 & 60 Vict.

Special offences in the case of friendly societies.90. If an officer or person aids or abets in the amalgamation or transfer of engagements or in the dissolution of a friendly society otherwise than as in this Act provided he shall be liable on summary conviction to the fine imposed by this Act for offences thereunder, or to be imprisoned with hard labour for a term not exceeding three months.

Recovery of fines.91.—(1.) A line imposed by this Act, or by any regulations thereunder, or by the rules of a registered society or branch, shall be recoverable in a court of summary jurisdiction.

(2.) Any such fine shall be recoverable at the suit of the chief registrar or of any assistant registrar, or of any person aggrieved.

Jurisdiction of court of summary jurisdiction.92. In England and Ireland all offences and fines under this Act may be prosecuted and recovered in the manner directed by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts either—

(a) at the place where the offence was committed; or

(b) as respects a prosecution against a registered society or branch or an officer thereof, at the place where the registered office of the society or branch is situated; or

(c) as respects a prosecution against a person other than a registered society or branch or au officer thereof, at the place where the person is resident at the time of the institution of the prosecution.

Appeals. 93.—(1.) In England or Ireland any person may appeal to quarter sessions from any order or conviction made by a court of summary jurisdiction under this Act.

(2.) In Scotland any person may appeal from any order or conviction under this Act in accordance with the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Scotland) Acts.

Legal proceedings.94.—(1.) The trustees of a registered society or branch, or any other officers authorised by the rules thereof, may bring or defend or cause to be brought or defended, any action or other legal proceeding in any court whatsoever, touching or concerning any property, right, or claim of the society or branch, and may sue and be sued in their proper names, without other description than the title of their office.

(2.) In legal proceedings brought under this Act by a member, or person claiming through a member, a registered society or branch may also be sued in the name, as defendant, of any officer or person who receives contributions or issues policies on behalf of the society or branch within the jurisdiction of the court in which the legal proceeding is brought, with the addition of the words "on behalf of the society or branch" (naming the same).

(3.) A legal proceeding shall not abate or be discontinued by the death, resignation, or removal from office of any officer, or by any act of any such officer after the commencement of the proceedings.

(4.) The summons, writ, process, or other proceeding, to be issued to or against the officer or other person sued on behalf of a registered society or branch, shall be sufficiently served by personally serving that officer or other person, or by leaving a true copy thereof at the