Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/494

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Table of the Statutes.
[59 & 60 Vict.

clxxix. An Act to confer further borrowing powers on the Provost Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Kilmarnock in respect of their Water Undertaking. (Kilmarnock Corporation Water.)

clxxx. An Act to enlarge and alter the scope of the Meal Charity created by the Trust Disposition and Settlement of John Ogilvie for the benefit of the Poor of the Parishes of Airth and Bothkennar in the County of Stirling and for other purposes. (Ogilvie Meal Charity.)

clxxxi. An Act to authorise the construction of certain Street Improvements and the taking of lands in the Parish o Saint Mary Abbotts Kensington in the County of London and for other purposes. (Kensington (James Street Area) Improvements.)

clxxxii. An Act to enable the Manchester Ship Canal Company to alter certain works authorised by the Manchester Ship Canal Act 1885 and the Manchester Ship Canal (Tidal Openings &c.) Act 1890 to make a Railway at Salford and other works to amend the former Acts of the Company and for other purposes. (Manchester Ship Canal.)

clxxxiii. An Act to empower the Midland Railway Company to construct a Harbour at Heysham in Morecambe Bay to confer additional powers upon the Midland Railway Company and the Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee for the construction of works and the acquisition of lands and for other purposes. (Midland Railway)

clxxxiv. An Act to authorise the North Metropolitan Railway and Canal Company to make alterations and improvements in their Canal and for other purposes. (North Metropolitan Railway and Canal.)

clxxxv. An Act to provide for the partition between the Glasgow and South Western Railway Company and the North British Railway Company of the undertaking of the City of Glasgow Union Railway Company and for other purposes. (City of Glasgow Union Railway Partition.)

clxxxvi. An Act to empower the Llanelly Harbour and Burry Navigation Commissioners to construct a Dock and new Cut for the River Lliedi and other works for the improvement of the Port and Harbour of Llanelly and to borrow moneys with the consent of the Urban District Council of Llanelly and for other purposes. (Llanelly Harbour.)

clxxxvii. An Act for extending the limits of supply of the Eastbourne Waterworks Company and for conferring further powers on the Company for the construction of works the raising of capital and otherwise in relation to their undertaking. (Eastbourne Waterworks.)

clxxxviii. An Act to empower the London County Council to purchase lands for various purposes to extend the time for purchase of lands at York Water Gate to confer further powers on the Council with respect to main roads to confer further powers on Vestries and District Boards of Works