Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/498

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Table of the Statutes.
[59 & 60 Vict.

ccxxii. An Act to authorise the Donegal Railway Company to extend their Railway from Strabane to Londonderry and from Donegal to Ballyshannon to make agreements with the Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners and the Londonderry Bridge Commissioners and for other purposes. (Donegal Railway.)

ccxxiii. An Act to authorise the use of mechanical power upon portions of the undertaking of the Dublin United Tramways Company and for other purposes. (Dublin United Tramways.)

ccxxiv. An Act to authorise the Lord Provost Magistrates and Council of the City of Edinburgh to widen alter and improve certain streets places and districts within the said City to make new works to construct Tramways to provide additional accommodation for the conduct of Corporation business to acquire lands to amend Acts and for other purposes, (Edinburgh Improvement and Tramways.)

ccxxv. An Act for conferring further powers upon the Metropolitan Railway Company in relation to their own undertaking and upon that Company and the Great Western and London and North Western Railway Companies in relation to undertakings in which they are jointly interested and for other purposes. (Metropolitan Railway.)

ccxxvi. An Act to convert the capital of the South Metropolitan Gas Company and for other purposes (South Metropolitan Gas.)

ccxxvii. An Act to confer further powers on the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway Company. (Baker Street and Waterloo Railway.)

ccxxviii. An Act to incorporate the Kidderminster and Southport Electric Tramway Company and to empower the Company to construct Tramways and for other purposes. (Kidderminster and Sothporty Electric Tramway)

ccxxix. An Act to confer further powers upon the Governor and Company of the New River brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London commonly called the New River Company for the execution, of new works the purchase of additional lands and the raising of further money and for other purposes. (New River Company's)

ccxxx. An Act for making a Railway to be called the Marlborough and Grafton Railway and for other purposes. (Marlborough and Grafton Railway.)

ccxxxi. An Act to authorise the reconstruction of the bridge across the River Tyne known as the Redheugh Bridge and for other purposes. (Redheugh Bridge.)

ccxxxii. An Act for conferring further powers upon the Great Western Railway Company in respect of their own undertaking and upon that Company and the Midland Railway Company and the London and North Western Railway Company in respect of undertakings in which they are jointly interested for amalgamating the Abbotsbury Much Wenlock and Severn Junction Marlborough Milford Wenlock Vale of