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28c. 64
Public Order Act 1986


Section 40(1).

Sport Events

Part I
England and Wales


1. The 1985 c. 57.Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 shall be amended as mentioned in this Part.


2. The following shall be inserted after section 1 (offences in connection with alcohol on coaches and trains)—

“Alcohol on certain other vehicles.
1A.—(1) This section applies to a motor vehicle which—
(a) is not a public service vehicle but is adapted to carry more than 8 passengers, and
(b) is being used for the principal purpose of carrying two or more passengers for the whole or part of a journey to or from a designated sporting event.
(2) A person who knowingly causes or permits intoxicating liquor to be carried on a motor vehicle to which this section applies is guilty of an offence—
(a) if he is its driver, or
(b) if he is not its driver but is its keeper, the servant or agent of its keeper, a person to whom it is made available (by hire, loan or otherwise) by its keeper or the keeper’s servant or agent, or the servant or agent of a person to whom it is so made available.
(3) A person who has intoxicating liquor in his possession while on a motor vehicle to which this section applies is guilty of an offence.
(4) A person who is drunk on a motor vehicle to which this section applies is guilty of an offence.
(5) In this section—
“keeper”, in relation to a vehicle, means the person having the duty to take out a licence for it under section 1(1) of the 1971 c. 10.Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971,
“motor vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads, and