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material used in its construction being that used in the doors and pews. A striking feature of the church is a beautiful apartment known as the “Mother's Room,” which is approached through a superb archway of Italian marble set in the wall. The furnishing of the “Mother's Room” is described as “particularly beautiful, and blends harmoniously with the pale green and gold decoration of the walls. The floor is of mosaic in elegant designs, and two alcoves are separated from the apartment by rich hangings of deep green plush, which in certain lights has a shimmer of silver. The furniture frames are of white mahogany in special designs, elaborately carved, and the upholstery is in white and gold tapestry. A superb mantel of Mexican onyx with gold decoration adorns the south wall, and before the hearth is a large rug composed entirely of skins of the eider-down duck, brought from the Arctic regions. Pictures and bric-a-brac everywhere suggest the tribute of loving friends. One of the two alcoves is a retiring-room and the other a lavatory in which the plumbing is all heavily plated with gold.”

[Evening Monitor, Concord, N. H., February 27, 1895]

An Elegant Souvenir

Rev. Mary Baker Eddy Memorialized By a Christian Science Church

Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer of Christian Science, has received from the members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, an invitation formally to accept