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December 29, 1915.]


Partridge, Bernard.

Advance that Failed (The) 211

Boys of the Dachshund Breed 83

Cell of the Tsar (The) 231

Clean Sweep (A) 71

Dead Sea Fruit 531

Empty Victory (An) 491

Friend in Need (A) 91

Heroic Serbia 351

Hohenzollern Habit (The) 311

Hommage à la France! 81

Last Word (The) 251

Le Grand Penseur 191

Matter of Routine (A) 411

Hew Departure (The) 921

Persuading of Tino (The) 431

Pride before the "Fall" 51

Privilege 451

Record Breaker (The) 271

Reluctant Swaind 511

Self-invited Guest (The) 391

To Lighten the Ship 371

Two Ideals (The) 110-111

Unauthorised Flirtation (An) 471

Raven-Hill, L.

After One Year 131

Answer (The) 151

Balkan Question (The) 253

Banqueting as Usual (illegible text)

By Way of a Change 108

Carolling by Command 508

Derby's Day 408

Enemy M.P. (The) 43

Ganymede and the Ferman Eagle 233

Hail, Columba! 203

Imps of War (The) 343

New "Battle of the Baltic" (The) 153

Old Man of the Sea (The) (illegible text)

On the Tracker's Track (illegible text)

Our Friend the Enemy 343

Peace Talk 171

Political Economist (The) 4(illegible text)

Promise of Winter (The) 443

Ready and Waiting 3

Realization (illegible text)

Sweeping the North Sea (illegible text)

Tug of Peace (The) (illegible text)

Unsinkable Tirp (The) 223

War Spirit (The)

Towsend, F. H.

Achievement (The) 1(illegible text)

Churchill s'en (illegible text) Guerre (illegible text)

On the King's Highway (illegible text)

Putting Him in His Place (illegible text)

Sea Change (A) (illegible text)

Words and Deeds 14(illegible text)


Aston, John.

They also Serve 130

Beresford, J. D.

Victim of Invasion (A) 248

Bidder, Major.

Twenty-two 427

Brown, C. Hilton

Ingratitude of Privato Willocks (The) 408

Munitions 325

Pambi 362

"Pi" 478

Brown, H. C. B.

Aunt's Guide to the Army 529

Burnet, W. Hodgson

"Requisitional" 159

Brusbridge, A. W.

As Advised 34

To a Neutral Friend 230

Carson, J. H. B.

Rex of the Transport 382

Carter, Desmond.

Arms and the Woman 378

Clarke, Dudley

Gentle Slacker (The) 108

Musketry Instructions 78

Cobb, Miss Joyce

Buttons 289

Fiddler (The) 158

Corb, Thomas

Empty Sleeve (The) 365

Exception (The) 158

Collins, G. H.

Dirge of the Dress Coat (The) 438

Jeune Premier (The) 409

Our Literary Tapleys 188

Saving Graces 108

Sidelight on History (A) 205

Signal (The) 262

To an Alarum 256

To my Postmaid 177

Cutlack, F. M.

From a Belgian Garden 66, 85

Dark, Richard

Out of the Past 114

Tomlinson's Progress 298

Watcher at the Window (The) 38

Davey, H. W.

Telephone at the Front (The) 402

Dennis, G. P.

Balkan Intelligence 369

Drennan, Max

Chatto and the Pessimist 137

In his Own Defence 154

Meditations of Marcus O'Reilly 9

Our School 121

Recruiting of Poppett Minimus (The) 329

Drennan, W. St. G.

Jimmy's Uncle 274

On the Spy-Trail (illegible text), (illegible text), (illegible text), 466

Eckersley, Arthur

Appro. Week (The) 215

Colourable Incident (A) 193

Social Situation (The) 836

Sociality Torns for the Music Halls 457

Elias, Frank

Changes in the Army 314

Dream of Private Atkins (The) 222

Letters—Patent or Otherwise 157

Emanuel, Walter

Charivaria 5, 41, 61, 81, 101

Fay, Stanley J.

Fount of Inspiration (The) 97

, Clive R.

Passing (The) 537

Freeman, W.

Honeymoon (The) 87

Garstin, C.

"Quat" Sous Lait 148

Trooper (The) (illegible text)

Garvey, Miss I.

Blanche's Letters 188, (illegible text)

Letter from Gretchen (A) 458

Gillespie, A. B.

Summer and Sorrow 96

Gittins, H. N.

Anti-Aircraft 256, 5(illegible text)

Lonely Subaltern (A) 203

Graves, C. L., and , E. V.

Hecklebury Hall (illegible text)

New War Books 1(illegible text)

Graves, C. L.

Ballad of Bulbs (A) 2(illegible text)

Busy Bees (The) 122

Compensation (The) (illegible text)09

Croaker (The) (illegible text)

Homage to Hayling (illegible text)

Human Side (The) (illegible text)

Iconoclast (The) 223

Importunates (The) (illegible text)7

Indecision 25(illegible text)

Joan 165

Kitty: a War Portrait 514

Lost Luxury (A) 367

Meatless Magic 347

New Way with Old Clothes (A) 27(illegible text)

Novelist Astray (The) 294

Our Jumble Sale 49

Pipes (The): A Palinode (illegible text)

Rhymes for all Times 409

Roosevelt on Wilson 495

Sonnet of Strange Sounds 130

To Anthony Trollope 4(illegible text)

To Bill, aged 6 434

To Patrick, aged 2 410

Two Heroes 153

Tyranny of Kaling (The) 137

Ubiquitous Scot (The) 469

War's Surprises 394

Hall, Commander Fitzroy

More Mascots for our Heroes 313

Haselden, Percy

Adventurer (The) 1(illegible text)

(illegible text) Men 1

Haskins, Miss M. L.

Women to Men 316

Hastings, B. MacDonald

Admiral Post (illegible text)

Amateur Shepherd (The) 1(illegible text)

Battle of the Elbe (The) (illegible text)

Feeding the Nations 276

Herbert, A. P.

Paralysis of the Tenth Platoon (The) 4(illegible text)

Rum (illegible text)7

Through the Gate of Horn 2{{illegible{{

To James 207

Twitting the Turk 198, 450

Woes of a Wounded (The) 347, (illegible text), (illegible text)7, (illegible text)

Hodgkinson, T.

"Beware of Imitations" 4(illegible text)7

Boach Humour 297

Legend of the Rhine (A) (illegible text)

Literary War Worker (A) (illegible text)

Passing of the Mother-in-Law (The) 1(illegible text)

Things that Matter 121

Witness for the Defence (The) (illegible text)

Hosken, J. F.

Camp Quartermastering 2(illegible text), 2(illegible text)

Our Regimental Sports 1(illegible text)

Permanganate of Potash (illegible text)

Surprise Visit (A) 214

Howell, Capt. E. B.

More Fishing in Flander 227

Hughes, C. E.

Respect for the Cloth (illegible text)7

Hyndman, S. H.

Gift Shell (A) (illegible text)

Ingleby, H.

Zeppelins and othe "Muck" 347

Jenkins, Ernest

Gentler Ways with the Press 41(illegible text)

Things he might do (illegible text)

Johnston, Alec

At the Back of the Front 27(illegible text), (illegible text)

At the Front 6, 167, 187, 298, 354, 370. 418, 45(illegible text), 476

Keigwin, R. P.

Gift of Tongues (The) 315